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User / swallace99 / Sets / Gene Bilbrew Artwork
Steve / 80 items

N 27 B 25.5K C 2 E Nov 5, 2012 F Nov 5, 2012
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Stefano Piselli & Riccardo Mirrocchi (editors) - A Collection of Eneg Bondage Comix
Glittering Images, 1990
Cover Artist: Eneg (Gene Bilbrew)

The fantastic, sadistic world of Gene Bilbrew a.k.a. Eneg, inhabited by buxom mistresses and damsels in distress, in three classic bondage serials of the '50s: "High Heels in the Heavens" (a S&M space opera à la Flash Gordon); "Madam Adista" (a kinky Freudian case); "Sorority Girls" (sorority initiations with a Betty Page dead ringer).

Tags:   glittering images bondage comix fetish bizarre bilbrew eneg esthetique stiletto

N 38 B 52.6K C 0 E May 1, 2014 F May 1, 2014
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Kim Christy (editor) - Exotique Box Set
The Complete Reprint of Exotique: The First 36 Issues 1951 - 1957
Taschen Books, 1998
Cover Artist: Gene Bilbrew


A Message From The Publisher –

Dear Reader:

Through the pages of EXOTIQUE you will discover a revealing, different magazine from any you have read before. The purpose of our editorial policy is to keep EXOTIQUE distinctive and entertaining issue after issue, and to this endeavor we will spare neither efforts nor expense. EXOTIQUE will not satisfy those who find pleasure in reading about sex, sadism, rape and murder. We are sorry but we refuse to cater to men’s lower instincts.

EXOTIQUE is thoughtfully prepared and edited for those whose outlook on life is sound and hopeful: for those who find enjoyment in the bizarre and the unusual both in action and in attire. Why must we all be conformists… follow the crowd? Are we not able to think for ourselves, act as we feel and dress as we desire? This is an unbeatable combination and it IS within our reach.

We earnestly ask you to take each issue of EXOTIQUE home with you, read it carefully and let us know what you think of it. […]

Sincerely yours,

The Editor

Tags:   taschen exotique magazine vintage magazine fetish femdom gene bilbrew eric stanton bettie page

N 15 B 17.0K C 0 E May 1, 2014 F May 2, 2014
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Kim Christy (editor) - Exotique
The Complete Reprint of Exotique: The First 36 Issues 1951 - 1957
Volume 1
Taschen Books, 1998
Cover Artist: Gene Bilbrew

Tags:   taschen kim christy gene bilrew 50s magazine pop culture femdom fetish

N 16 B 29.6K C 1 E May 1, 2014 F May 2, 2014
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Kim Christy (editor) - Exotique
The Complete Reprint of Exotique: The First 36 Issues 1951 - 1957
Volume 1
Taschen Books, 1998
Cover Artist: Gene Bilbrew

"Bizarre and unusual"

Tags:   taschen vintage magazine femdom fetish kim christy gene bilbrew 1950s

N 28 B 28.7K C 0 E May 3, 2014 F May 3, 2014
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Kim Christy (editor) - Exotique
The Complete Reprint of Exotique: The First 36 Issues 1951 - 1957
Volume 2
Taschen Books, 1998
Cover Artist: Gene Bilbrew

Tags:   taschen exotique vintage magazine kim christy femdom fetish bettie page gene bilbrew
