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User / Darvin Atkeson / Panorama of the Golden Gate Bridge Towering above the Clouds
Darvin Atkeson / 762 items
This is a large panorama and the one thing I don't like about flickr is how thumbnails are handled for various sized images such as Panoramas. The thumbnail just doesn't do it justice and crops the image.

Towering above the clouds is San Francisco's most famous landmark the Golden
Gate Bridge. This is a Panorama so please view at large size. The
original image is over 11K pixels wide and 4K pixels tall. I have reduced
its total size for posting to the web. During the summer months, the heat
over the inland valleys of California heat up and the hot air rises pulling
the fog in off the Pacific Ocean. As the fog comes in, it gets pushed by
the California Coastal Range in to the inlet of San Francisco Bay. On rare
occasions the fog will be low enough that the towers of the bridge pierce
the top of the clouds. The inlet is extremely windy and the fog moves very
quickly so the image changes from second to second. This image is stitched
together in Photoshop by taking about 16 images very quickly. I then opened
the RAW (NEF) files in Photoshop, made some minor levels adjustment and
saved off the image. This is the result.

© Darvin Atkeson
California Photographer
  • Views: 19917
  • Comments: 31
  • Favorites: 61
  • Taken: Aug 10, 2008
  • Uploaded: Aug 10, 2008
  • Updated: Aug 5, 2017