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User / Miss Amanda Nicole / Elemental.
74 items
That’s the best way to describe Kimber’s confidence. It’s a force of nature, like wind, or water, or fire.

After decades of fretting about getting out in public in broad daylight, I had before me the chance to do so with one of our community’s icons. How could I let such an opportunity pass? Simply, I couldn’t. And thank the stars I didn’t.

After a great night of dinner and drinks at the Kit Kat Club, she and Kimberly convinced me to return the following day for an afternoon of shopping. Yes, in broad daylight. And yes, in a highly public area. And yes, in a mainstream mall. And yes, in the biggest Macy’s I’ve ever entered. But I knew, leaving my own hotel room to meet them at theirs for the preparations, that all I really needed to do was get in the cab… and once I arrived there, the force of their energies would propel me forward past those long-feared barriers. And that’s exactly what happened.

I’ll expand on the wonderful afternoon at another time, but suffice it to say that I know without a doubt that Kimber’s confidence propelled me to a successful conclusion to the day. At one point, she and I even parted ways to peruse separate stores (and I walked confidently - and unescorted! - into the Victoria’s Secret)… in retrospect, I suspect that it was a conscious decision on her part to push me past what was remaining of my self-imposed envelope for the day.

Thank you, Kimber, for an amazing set of experiences. Thank you for your grace and your beauty as well, of course, but it was your incredible self-assurance that brought me so far in so short a time. And I’m forever grateful for that!

(And dear reader, please keep in mind that by no means does my praise of Kimber diminish in any way the infectious self-confidence of my other companions that day: Coleen and Kimberly! They are equally at ease in public, and their moxies, combined with Kimber’s, were the rocket fuel that pushed my satellite into orbit. Thank you, as well, girls!)
  • Views: 132988
  • Comments: 22
  • Favorites: 159
  • Taken: Apr 20, 2016
  • Uploaded: Apr 25, 2016
  • Updated: Nov 28, 2024