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User / Mark Griffith / Sets / Talus Rocks Caves
Mark Griffith / 11 items

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Parker and Jeff nearing our destination the caves on Tiger Mountain.

Tags:   hike hiking issaquah lightroom scouts tiger mountain washington young men talus rocks trail jeff nye parker

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Kaleo and Micah making their way along the trail. Kaleo is checking his pulse....see it large.

Tags:   hike hiking issaquah lightroom scouts tiger mountain washington young men talus rocks trail micah erwin kaleo nihipali

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The sign just before the caves themselves.

Tags:   hike hiking issaquah lightroom scouts tiger mountain washington young men talus rocks trail

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Kaleo was trash talking that he could beat me in a race. Said he could take me for sure in a 100 yards and probably a mile but after that he'd get tired. So I said : "bring it" and we let the guys get about 50 yards up the trail and then we raced. I of course won. Kaleo says it was because I was "hogging the trail" and wouldn't let him pass. :)

Tags:   hike hiking issaquah lightroom scouts tiger mountain washington young men talus rocks trail race mark griffith kaleo nihipali running

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Jeff starts his way back through big huge boulders towards the cave which is really a big hollow space between large rocks that have fallen on top of each other.

Tags:   hike hiking issaquah lightroom scouts tiger mountain washington young men talus rocks trail
