After the small orchids presented in my last uploads, I now present to you an exuberant flower of Brazilian origin, and know as Bráunia, Rosa da mata, Rosa da montanha, Chapéu de sol (see the names in english below).
Although quite large (the ones I photographed here are approximately from 15 to 20cm in diameter), they were also difficult to photograph properly because they are hanging on the branches, wrapped in the shadow of numerous leaves, therefore with low light.
.Scientific name: Brownea grandiceps
.Family: Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae.
.Popular Names: Rose of the jungle, Brownea, Mountain's Rose, Sun Hat
.Origin: The species is native to Brazil, but not endemic, being also recorded in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia. Its occurrence in Brazilian lands was officially registered in Amazonas, Pará, Federal District and Rio de Janeiro. Possibly it is also present in other states, a fact that can only be confirmed by more comprehensive botanical studies.
.Average height: 6-8m in cultivation, 10-20m in the forest.
.Morphological characteristics: They have large leaves and, when young, have a pinkish-purple color, turning green when adults.
The inflorescences are showy, large and composed of several dense flowers in the form of pendant balls, which appear at the end of the branches; the color of the flowers can vary from orange to red.
Very ornamental tree due to the beauty of its flowering, which especially attracts hummingbirds. The wood can be used to make crates. The flowers are used in traditional medicine as an anti-hemorrhagic, property already partially confirmed by scientific studies.
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