Musée d'Histoire Naturelle du La Rochelle, Charentes-Maritimes, France
Tags: Brachytron pratense Aeshnidae Anisoptera Odonata taxonomy:binomial=Brachytron pratense taxonomy:genus=Brachytron taxonomy:family=Aeshnidae taxonomy:order=Odonata
Tags: taxonomy:binomial=Anax junius
Libellulidae or Aeshnidae?
Present in that pond I saw Anax imperator, Anax parthenope, Aeshna cyanea, Libellula depressa, Orthetrum cancellatum, Orthetrum chrysostigma, Crocothemis erythraea, Sympetrum fonscolombei and Sympetrum meridionale. Which of these species are these nymphs?
Peñíscola, Castellón, Spain
Tags: Anisoptera Odonata taxonomy:order=Odonata Aeshnidae taxonomy:family=Aeshnidae
These dragonflies stop very high in tree branches and was impossible to get decent photos. Arrrgh. :-(
La Peña, Huesca, Spain
Tags: Aeshna affinis Aeshnidae Anisoptera Odonata taxonomy:binomial=Aeshna affinis taxonomy:genus=Aeshna taxonomy:family=Aeshnidae taxonomy:order=Odonata
Well put name!
Frasno, Zaragoza, Spain
Tags: Anax imperator Aeshnidae Anisoptera Odonata taxonomy:binomial=Anax imperator taxonomy:genus=Anax taxonomy:family=Aeshnidae taxonomy:order=Odonata Emperor dragonfly