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John Sim / 34 items

N 67 B 5.8K C 28 E Feb 6, 2021 F Mar 3, 2021
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Date: Nov.1, 2019 / Nov.29, 2019 / Dec. 27, 2019 / Feb.23, 2020 / Dec.20, 2020 / Jan.9, 2021 / Jan.17, 2021 / Feb.6, 2021
Location: Amagi Highland, Shizuoka Pref., Japan / Asagiri Arena, Shizuoka Pref., Japan
Optics: SIGMA 135mm F1.8 DG HSM | Art (f/2.2)
Mount: SWAT-310 V-spec, RainbowAstro RST-135
Autoguider: QHY5L-II, LM75JC, PHD2
Camera: Canon EOS 6D (mod)
ISO speed: 1600 / 3200
Exposure: (70min.~90min.)x22panels (Total:1890min.)
Processing: PixInsight, Astro Pixel Processor

updated on Sep.14, 2021

N 119 B 3.8K C 56 E Nov 3, 2020 F Nov 3, 2020
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In Brazil's Atlantic Forest ecosystem, this species is clad in softer, more subtle hues than in other parts of its Neotropical range.

Tags:   Confused Tigerwing Mechanitis lysimnia lysimnia Nymphalidae Danainae Ithomiini Papilionoidea Lepidoptera Butterfly aposematic Mimicry Neotropical Insect REGUA Cachoeiras de Macacu Atlantic Forest Brazil Animal Planet

N 64 B 1.5K C 51 E Aug 12, 2020 F Nov 5, 2020
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Chambers Farm Wood, Lincolnshire, UK. - with all the butterflies gone for us this year, one from the summer.

Tags:   Butterfly Olympus Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae Lincolnshire
