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User / Harleynik Rides Again. / Sets / The Dogs in my life..
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N 6 B 2.0K C 8 E Sep 8, 2014 F Sep 8, 2014
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This is Red, my Canadian Eskimo Dog.

Tags:   Canadian Eskimo Dog Northern Inuit Dog Rare breed Dog Arctic Sled Dog Harleynik Rides Again CED

N 11 B 1.2K C 13 E Sep 3, 2015 F Sep 4, 2015
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Red the Canadian Eskimo Dog...
Canadian Eskimo Dogs are often thought of as Big Siberian Huskies.. But I assure you they are a very different breed...
There are less than 100 in the UK. Back in the seventies they were almost extinct with only about 200 left worldwide.. They were the breed used by the British Antartic Survey during the exploration of Antarctica, but with the introduction of the snowmobile most were culled - no longer required.. There is a very good book available written by Peter Noble, titled "Dog days on ice" giving a detailed history of these events - Well worth a read if youv'e nothing better to do..
Having previously owned a pair of Sibes (Siberian Huskies) I thought it would be a natural progression to get a CED.
They can be quite a handful to keep - very strong willed, some would say almost wild !!
Red is around 10 years old now, and age has not mellowed her one little bit !!
To this day I'm still not sure if she lives with me, or I live with her...

Tags:   CED canadian eskimo dog BAS dog mono British Antarctic Survey

N 13 B 1.7K C 8 E Jan 1, 2018 F Jan 27, 2018
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Boycie.. (Rusty boy) Looking a little windswept on the beach...

Tags:   golden retriever dog beach Hengisbury Head boycie Harleynik Rides Again

N 11 B 2.0K C 10 E Jan 1, 2018 F Jan 15, 2018
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Rusty Boy... Our rescued Retriever....

Tags:   golden retriever dog beach rescue Harleynik Rides Again

N 33 B 2.4K C 18 E Sep 3, 2015 F Dec 31, 2017
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Tags:   red canadian eskimo dog Harleynik Rides Again
