Frederiksborggade / Kultorvet, Copenhagen
Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 (Blue dot)
Exposure: 1/125 @ F8 (Y2 filter + rubber hood)
Film: Fomapan 400 Action dev. in Compard R09 Spezial (=Agfa Rodinal Special/Studional) in the Jobo ATL-1500 film processor
Tags: Mamiya MamiyaC330 TLR twinlesreflex twinlens Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 6x6 square squareformat film analog Foma 400iso mediumformat analogue blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W monochrome filmforever filmphotography CompardR09Spezial R09Spezial RodinalSpecial Studional Lars Holte home processing Jobo Autolab ATL-1500 street street photography Copenhagen København Danmark Frederiksborggade Fomapan400 Fomapan400Action 120 ishootfilm analog fototur blue dot 120film
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Niels Hemmingsens Gade, Copenhagen
Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 (Blue dot)
Exposure: 1/125 @ F8 (Y2 filter + rubber hood)
Film: Fomapan 400 Action dev. in Compard R09 Spezial (=Agfa Rodinal Special/Studional) in the Jobo ATL-1500 film processor
Tags: Mamiya MamiyaC330 TLR twinlesreflex twinlens Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 6x6 square squareformat film analog Foma 400iso mediumformat analogue blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W monochrome filmforever filmphotography CompardR09Spezial R09Spezial RodinalSpecial Studional Lars Holte home processing Jobo Autolab ATL-1500 Copenhagen København Danmark deserted Niels Hemmingsens Gade Fomapan400 Fomapan400Action 120 analog fototur blue dot 120film
© All Rights Reserved
Kultorvet, Copenhagen
Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 (Blue dot)
Exposure: 1/125 @ F8 (Y2 filter + rubber hood)
Film: Fomapan 400 Action dev. in Compard R09 Spezial (=Agfa Rodinal Special/Studional) in the Jobo ATL-1500 film processor
Tags: Mamiya MamiyaC330 TLR twinlesreflex twinlens Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 6x6 square squareformat film analog Foma 400iso mediumformat analogue blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W monochrome filmforever filmphotography CompardR09Spezial R09Spezial RodinalSpecial Studional Lars Holte home processing Jobo Autolab ATL-1500 street street photography Copenhagen København Danmark Kultorvet Fomapan400 Fomapan400Action 120 analog fototur blue dot 120film
© All Rights Reserved
Købmagergade, Copenhagen
Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 (Blue dot)
Exposure: 1/250 @ F8 (Y2 filter + rubber hood)
Film: Fomapan 400 Action dev. in Compard R09 Spezial (=Agfa Rodinal Special/Studional) in the Jobo ATL-1500 film processor
Tags: Mamiya MamiyaC330 TLR twinlesreflex twinlens Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 6x6 square squareformat film analog Foma 400iso mediumformat analogue blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W monochrome filmforever filmphotography CompardR09Spezial R09Spezial RodinalSpecial Studional Lars Holte home processing Jobo Autolab ATL-1500 street street photography Copenhagen København Danmark Købmagergade Fomapan400 Fomapan400Action 120 analog fototur blue dot 120film
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Amagertorv, Copenhagen
Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 (Blue dot)
Exposure: 1/250 @ F8 (Y2 filter + rubber hood)
Film: Fomapan 400 Action dev. in Compard R09 Spezial (=Agfa Rodinal Special/Studional) in the Jobo ATL-1500 film processor
Tags: Mamiya MamiyaC330 TLR twinlesreflex twinlens Mamiya-Sekor 80mm F2.8 6x6 square squareformat film analog Foma 400iso mediumformat analogue blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W monochrome filmforever filmphotography CompardR09Spezial R09Spezial RodinalSpecial Studional Lars Holte home processing Jobo Autolab ATL-1500 street street photography Copenhagen København Danmark Fomapan400 Fomapan400Action 120 Amagertorv analog fototur blue dot 120film
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