I have just finished making a copy of my Leonardo 8x10 pinhole camera. The Leonardo has a 3 inch "focal length", so I made my DIY copy with a "focal length" of 6 inches. The Leonardo has a .3 mm pinhole, and the 6 inch version has a roughly .6 mm pinhole, so they are both approx. f256.
My version has three pinholes and four tripod sockets so that I can make "rise" and "fall" images too, both horisontally and vertically.
The smaller box is a 4x5" DIY pinhole camera.
Tags: DIY 8x10 pinhole lensless largeformat Lars Holte
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I have just finished making a copy of my Leonardo 8x10 pinhole camera. The Leonardo has a 3 inch "focal length", so I made my DIY copy with a "focal length" of 6 inches. The Leonardo has a .3 mm pinhole, and the 6 inch version has a roughly .6 mm pinhole, so they are both approx. f256.
My version has three pinholes and four tripod sockets so that I can make "rise" and "fall" images too, both horisontally and vertically.
Tags: DIY 8x10 pinhole lensless largeformat Lars Holte
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Camera: DIY 8x10 6" wide pinhole camera
Pinhole: f/256 (yellow filter)
Exposure: 20 secs
Film: Foma Fomapan 400 Action tray developed in Kodak Xtol
I have just finished making a copy of my Leonardo 8x10 pinhole camera. The Leonardo has a 3 inch "focal length", so I made my DIY copy with a "focal length" of 6 inches. The Leonardo has a .3 mm pinhole, and the 6 inch version has a roughly .6 mm pinhole, so they are both approx. f256.
This image is taken with the homemade camera.
Pictures of the homemade large format pinhole camera:
Tags: DIY 8x10 wide pinhole lensless film analog analogue Foma Fomapan400Action 400iso largeformat blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W ishootfilm monochrome filmforever filmphotography Kodak Xtol Gossen Profisix sbc Lars Holte home processing Skotterup strand beach bathingpier Danmark Denmark explored
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Camera: Leonardo 8x10 3" super-wide pinhole camera
Pinhole: f/256 (yellow filter)
Exposure: 20 secs
Film: Foma Fomapan 400 Action tray developed in Kodak Xtol
I have just finished making a copy of my Leonardo 8x10 pinhole camera. The Leonardo has a 3 inch "focal length", so I made my DIY copy with a "focal length" of 6 inches. The Leonardo has a .3 mm pinhole, and the 6 inch version has a roughly .6 mm pinhole, so they are both approx. f256.
This image is taken with the original Leonardo camera.
Tags: Leonardo 8x10 wide pinhole lensless film analog analogue Foma Fomapan400Action 400iso largeformat blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W ishootfilm monochrome filmforever filmphotography Kodak Xtol Gossen Profisix sbc Lars Holte home processing Skotterup strand beach bathingpier Danmark Denmark
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The local church in the last rays of sun
Camera: DIY 4x5" 2" wide pinhole camera
FOV approx. 120 degrees
Red Adox filter
Pinhole: f/168
Exposure: 4 mins
Film: Foma Fomapan 400 Action developed in Kodak Xtol Replenished
Tags: DIY 4x5 wide pinhole lensless film analog analogue Foma Fomapan400Action 400iso largeformat blackandwhite ClassicBlack&White B/W ishootfilm monochrome filmforever filmphotography Kodak Xtol Gossen Profisix sbc Lars Holte home processing Nivå kirke church evening Danmark Denmark
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