Chattanooga, in southern Tennessee, from Lookout Mountain. In the foreground is Garrity's Alabama Battery, a part of Chattanooga National Military Park from the American Civil War. Mid-shot is the meandering Tennessee River, here showing Moccasin Bend, and beyond is downtown Chatt itself.
Known as the Scenic City for obvious reasons, Chattanooga is an industrial and transportation center in Southeast U.S. Besides the river, it has been an important railway hub since the 1850s (hence the 1940s song, "Chattanooga Choo Choo"), and interstate highways connect Chatt with 5 other major cities of the American South.
Culturally vibrant and economically healthy, the Scenic City has seen tumultuous times in the past but is currently thriving. It features many attractions, including Point Park here and nearby Ruby Falls.
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