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User / joopatkleppie
344 items

N 184 B 72.5K C 22 E Jul 27, 2018 F Jul 27, 2018
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Here's a teaser for my new, completely rebuild A-6!

It still needs a little bit of work, but I like it way more than my last version!

Let me know what you think and as always, comments and faves are really appreciated!

Ps. Sorry for the bad photo as always lol

N 38 B 7.4K C 3 E Sep 22, 2018 F Sep 22, 2018
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An AH-1W ready to refuel at a FOB.

So a few weeks ago I was looking at some old photos of my old builds when I saw my favorite build of all time, the Super Cobra! I immediately decided to rebuild it with a little diorama to showcase the model.

It features a lot of upgrades compared to my older model, but the influences of Aleksander Stein's awesome AH-1Z design is still obviously there, so credits to him!

I now used sand blue for the upper part of the helicopter, which comes a lot closer to the real colors. Next thing I want to add is maybe some stickers, to represent my original version from the Warriors.

Let me know what you think and as always, comments and faves are really appreciated!

Tags:   Lego Attack helicopter USMC Helicopter US marines Cobra Whiskey iraq

N 19 B 6.0K C 3 E Jul 10, 2016 F Jul 10, 2016
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So I made a few pictures but the internet here sucks so uploading takes hours...
Also I will change the discription when I have better internet.
I hope you guys like the lav, feel free to comment or to give critisism!
Enjoy! ;)

N 78 B 23.2K C 8 E May 13, 2018 F May 13, 2018
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Yes! An update on my WIP Sea King sh-3 helicopter. I really wanted to know what you would think of it so far and I just thought it would be fun to upload.

Sad thing my camera sucks and it looks way shorter than it is IRL.

So far I am pretty happy with it. The landing gear pylons are definitely not the final versions. Next to this I am missing a lot of pieces in dark bley so I'll need to buy those unfortunately. It will have some yellow at the tail as well and I need to recolor some pieces (for example the white one)

Anyways, I like the shaping so far and the look t has. Let me know what you think down in the comments below and as always, faves and comments are really appreciated. Enjoy!

Tags:   US navy lego helicopter rescue aircraft carriers work progress vietnam era

N 9 B 1.2K C 0 E Oct 21, 2023 F Oct 23, 2023
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Nice Cargo loco by Nadlego, this was one of the first model trains I got!

Had a blast being here for the first time! Thanks everyone!
