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User / joopatkleppie / Sets / WIP's
32 items

N 18 B 4.3K C 5 E Mar 9, 2015 F Mar 9, 2015
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So I've updated my ah-1w to an older version (different engines) and improved some stuff on it. It still needs a few changes though.
If you have tips or compliments, I'd happy to read them in the comments!

Also, I'm sorry I didn't post any good pictures of my as350 yet... I didn't really have the time and when I did have time I'd rather build with Lego.

Tags:   Lego Helicopter Marine ah1 ah1w Whiskey Military Super Cobra Attack helicopter

N 6 B 2.5K C 2 E Mar 29, 2015 F Mar 29, 2015
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So... I'm so sorry I didn't upload much. This is why I decided to take a picture of what I'm working on right now. I'm sorry for the worst quality ever :$

I'm really curious what you are thinking about this, it still needs a lot of details and other stuff... Comments are appreciated :$

N 10 B 3.1K C 9 E Mar 30, 2015 F Mar 29, 2015
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Yesshh... still working on this choppa and I'm almost done! I've changed the tail like Tyler said. Now I've got to figure out how to make the double rotor thing... It's going to be hard so if you have any tips and tricks, please comment!

Also better quality :$

N 18 B 4.1K C 7 E May 9, 2015 F May 9, 2015
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So... since I have a new job (at a toy store) I didn't have much time for Lego and I haven't uploaded much in the past weeks, which is why I decided to upload a WIP.

It's the uh-1n and it'snot finished yet, I need to work on the interior and I'm not completely happy with some shaping. But overall I'm very happy with how it turned out!
Doors of the cockpit and the side-doors can open of course :$

Let me know what you think and what needs to be changed, comments are really appreciated! :)

Tags:   lego Helicopter Transport huey Uh1 uh1n military

N 10 B 3.7K C 6 E Sep 24, 2015 F Sep 24, 2015
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So I've been working on this today, it is going to be a Sea Knight (this is the rear rotor engine)... and I'm not sure whether to continue or not. If Iam going to continue building, it will cost me a lot of money, as I don't have the pieces to continue the build :'(
So please comment what you think I should do!
