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User / joopatkleppie / Sets / Scenes
16 items

N 129 B 22.7K C 13 E Oct 30, 2017 F Oct 30, 2017
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Special forces are boarding a mh-60s, ready for a night operiation.

So it's been a long time since I uploaded something. I actually made some other builds but those didn't end up good enough to my liking so I scratched those projects.
After seeing PA's black hawk I really wanted to build an uh-60 variant myself. So a lot of credits for him, because the influence is really obvious.
I am planning to rebuild my own apache next to it.
So let me know what you think and I will make better pictures of this!
Comments and criticism is always appreciated! :)

Ps. I am thinking about ordering some parts in the right colours so the camo will be a little bit smoother and nicer.

Tags:   Lego Military black hawk knight helicopter special operations air force

N 54 B 10.3K C 7 E May 23, 2017 F May 23, 2017
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Soldiers are boarding a Poseidon helicopter.

So this is what my helicopter looks like right now! It's still a Work In Progress, but I am already quite happy with it.
Things I still want to change are rear ramp and the main rotor blades.
Let me know what you think!

Next to this I am planning to make my faction a little bit bigger than 2 helo's and 1 boat. I am thinking of converting the boat to a bigger, still relatively small, boat with a cabin and changing the camo on my cobra to the same camo I have on this helicopter. For new builds, I am thinking about an AAV and may some sort of LAV. This faction will be a marines battle group specialized in beach landings. (So maybe one day I will be able to build a big landing support ship)

Anyway, let me know what you think! Every comment and fave is always appreciated and I am really grateful for over 200 followers! Thanks guys!

Tags:   Lego NH90 Merlin EH101 NH100

N 85 B 15.7K C 10 E Mar 23, 2017 F Mar 23, 2017
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2 trucks are stopping at a checkpoint at the border.

So I thought you guys deserved an update. I actually took down everything I had and started over, my tank, lav, humvee and Apache are gone and the special forces truck has been completely through a complete rebuild.
The special forces truck is inspired by @aleksander stein and @Brooklyn Builder, I really like it this way though I might rebuild the engine part and the cabine part.
For the transport truck, I just started building after getting inspired by the military trucks in Ghost Recon Wildlands. The only thing is I don't really have an idea what to build on the back of it.

Let me know what you think!

Also, I have added a camo to my Cobra and next to this, I have build an uav and a RHIB, hope to post more pictures more often and soon.

N 72 B 10.4K C 7 E Nov 27, 2016 F Nov 27, 2016
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Soldiers are preparing for a mission in africa.

Yess, so I thought my uh-1n needed an update and so I gave it one. Really wanted to make the roof like this for a while and I wasn't happy with the engine area. Also re-added the camo, because it gives the helo a nice touch and without camo it doesn't look that interesting.
The huey fits 6 guys (7 when doing waaayyy to difficult stuff (removing the roof and stuff)). The doors slide. The model is still based on Aleksander Stein's heuys and @mike psiaki's huey breakdown (gotta love those choppers!)
Let me know what you think in the comments! Feedback is always appreciated :)

Also breakdown of the tank is coming, didn't have time to make it because of my study.

N 41 B 8.5K C 5 E Nov 2, 2016 F Nov 2, 2016
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A convoy moving through the "White desert" while being under the protection of an Apache helicopter.

Sorry for the poor quality but really wanted to upload this photo.

The Apache is still a WIP, as well as the Unimog based truck, which camouflage is not ideal due to a lack of parts. I will post more pictures!
Please fave and comment, let me know what you think! Hope you like it :)
