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User / joopatkleppie / Sets / Lego NS DH-1 "Wadloper"
4 items

N 9 B 1.8K C 0 E Dec 1, 2023 F Dec 1, 2023
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I really enjoy the sideprofile, it shows the subtle angles and the size of the model. It is approximately 64 studs long and is - of course - 8 studs wide.

I opted out on the interior in favor of more correct dimensions for doors, windows and details. In the windows, you can see the opening parts. I really had fun designing this and it is quite the different experience with designing steam engines. More Dutch stuff will come!

N 15 B 2.0K C 0 E Dec 1, 2023 F Dec 1, 2023
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The model turned out great! Although some stability issues, the conversion to a real model from the digital design was not too much trouble.

It is powered by one Lego train motor in a bogey, the other bogey is a dummy, but could be powered. However, it already races around the track in this configuration, so I think I will not add this.

The only thing still missing are stickers!

N 23 B 2.4K C 2 E Dec 1, 2023 F Dec 1, 2023
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Some Wadlopers had ads on the sides.

The idea for this model came to fruition during LLMTCWorld 2023, in honor of this, I added ads on one side with the tile and beautiful 2x1x5 A(K)WARDS brick. Including these was actually quite a challenge, since the 2x1x5 is transparent pink, so I needed a black background. On this side, the blue stripes are a bit rough, because of the windows.

The shape of the Wadloper is quite squarish, so I tried to include as much angles as possible, such as the front. From above, the sides also taper slightly inward (0.5 plate on both sides).

N 38 B 5.7K C 3 E Dec 1, 2023 F Dec 1, 2023
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My newest build, a Dutch railways DH-1 "Wadloper".

The Wadloper was built in 1983 to replace the "Blauwe Engel" in the Norther parts of the Netherlands. The NS was looking for a cheap replacement, which was cheap. As a test, a German BR 627 was borrowed. In the end, the Wadloper was designed and came in two versions, a single car - the DH-1- and a dual setup - the DH-2. Because of the box-like shape of the design, people started calling it SRV-wagen. The NS did not approve of this nickname and organized a contest for a new one: "Wadloper" won. Wadloper is a typical bird roaming around the Waddenzee.

This model represents a DH-1, after the renovation in 1995, which changed some coloring, added airco and an obstacle deflector. They were replaced in 2007, while also in service with other Dutch public transport companies. Some were sold and are still in use today in other countries, like in Poland.
