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User / greengrocer48 / Sets / Villages in Eden
John Shepley / 38 items

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In Bampton Grange stands St. Patrick's Church, an eighteenth century church on an ancient site. Opposite the church is the vicarage which is home to the Tinklar Library, a collection of rare books many of them in Latin.
They said of Bampton. "They drove the plough in Latin"
I recommend one of the best local history books I've come across, "Ploughing in Latin", the story of this small corner of Cumbria.

Tags:   Lowther Valley Bampton Grange Cumbria

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Tags:   Lyvennet Yorkshire Dales Cumbria Eden Maulds Meaburn village

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Village granted to Hugh de Morville's sister after the murder in the Cathedral in 1170. See previous pic.

Tags:   Maulds Meaburn Lyvennet Eden Valley Cumbria village bridge

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There are two small villages on the Lyvenett Beck called Kings Meaburn and Maulds Meaburn. They were at one time the property of Hugh de Morville. In a rash act in 1170 Hugh forfeited the properties and the Northern village reverted to the crown becoming Kings Meaburn. The Southern village was granted to Hugh's sister and became Maulds Meaburn.
The rash act was the murder of Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral.

Tags:   Cumbria Maulds Meaburn village Lyvennet

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Taken from the cairn on Knipe Scar. The slopes of Loadpot and Wether Hill behind and above Bampton.The high point is High Street which has the Roman road running over it connecting Ambleside to Penrith. Tucked out of sight in the deep crease is Haweswater supplier of Manchester's water.
Running left to right at the bottom of the pic is the Lowther valley, the River Lowther being a tributary of the Eden.
Haweswater is the subject of an award winning book by Lee Schofield, Wild Fell, about a radical approach to conservation that he is applying to the area around the lake, recommend both a read and a visit, eyes will be opened and the heart gladdened !!

Tags:   Lowther Valley Lake District Brampton Brampton Grange High Street Cumbria villages Lee Schofield Naddle Beck
