Telescope: Vixen R130S Newton (720mm focal length)
Camera: Fuji XT-2 at prime focus
19 lights, 60 sec. , ISO 6400
9 darks
Images stacked with Nebulosity and postprocessed with Photoshop.
The Leo Triplet, or the M66 Group, is a group of interacting spiral galaxies located in the constellation Leo. The group consists of the galaxies M 65, M 66 and NGC 3628, also known as the Hamburger Galaxy.
The Leo Triplet lies at appr. 35 million light-years from Earth.
The 3 galaxies have all been affected by gravitational interactions with each other. This is evident in the deformed, drawn out spiral arms of M66 that are experiencing a high rate of star forming activity and in the warped, inflated disk of NGC 3628. With a prominent tidal tail consisting mainly of young blue stars, NGC 3628 seems to be the most affected of the three, while M65 appears to have suffered the least damage from the interaction.
Tags: ASTRONOMIE Leo Triplett Nachtaufnahme Langzeitbelichtung stacking Leo Triplet M65 M66 M66 Group M66 Gruppe NGC3628 bulb exposure long time exposure nightshot
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Tags: Nachtaufnahme stacking Mond moon nightshot
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The Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant, is a cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust in the constellation Cygnus. The source supernova was a star 20 times more massive than the Sun which exploded between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago.
Nikon D5500 astro modified
90x 60 sec. stacked with SIRIL
Vixen 5" Newtonian, no guiding
Tags: ASTRONOMIE Nachtaufnahme Langzeitbelichtung NGC 6992 östlicher Schleiernebel Schwan Sternbild stacking Astrofotografie Cirrusnebel Cygnus NGC 6995 Veil Nebula astro photography astronomical object astronomy bulb exposure long time exposure nightshot
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This is my first moonshot. And I am very glad with the result! The Olympus OM-D E-M1 was directly connected to my new (but old) 135/720mm telescope (focal projection). I took 10 shots at ISO 200 1/400sec. and stacked the best 5 with Registax6. The software runs on an imac under wine and it was a real learning curve to succeed. Finally a 16bit .png file was imported to Lightroom for a little CA correction, noise reduction and sharpening. N.B. astronomers call this lunar phase "first quarter".
Tags: Astronomie Mond astronomy moon
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NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula
Unlike my recent version, this time I developed the shot in a natural color scheme.
Scope: Lacerta APO 72/432
Mount: Vixen Sphinx
Camera: Nikon D5500a
Filter: Optolong L-Enhance
18x 2 min., ISO 1600
Tags: ASTRONOMIE Deutschland Sternbild NGC 2237 Rosettennebel Buchholz Reducer 0.79x Lacerta APO 72/432 manuelles Objektiv Nachtaufnahme Langzeitbelichtung Einhorn stacking Astrofotografie Emissionsnebel Germany Monoceros NGC 2238 NGC 2239 NGC 2249 Rosette Nebula astro photography astronomical object astronomy bulb exposure constellation long time exposure nightshot open cluster NGC 2244
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