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User / JohnJennings995 / Sets / Adelaide Zoo, South Australia
John Jennings / 34 items

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Aspidites ramsayi, commonly known as Ramsay's python, woma python, and sand python.

The woma is a large python with an average length of 1.5 m and a maximum length of approximately 2.7 m. It is brilliantly patterned with a background colour of glossy yellowish or reddish brown to a pale greenish brown. This is accompanied by numerous dark transverse bands on the body and tail. The underside is cream to yellow with several pink or brown blotches. Juveniles bear a conspicuous dark patch over each eye, which may persist into adulthood.

The woma is widespread throughout arid and semi-arid Australia from coastal Western Australia to western Queensland.

It is threatened by habitat loss due to land clearing and thinning operations, inappropriate road side management and predation by feral animals.

Tags:   Adelaide zoo Woma snake South Australia Australia Aspidites ramsayi python woma python sand python

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Erected in 1900 to an Indian style, the Elephant House is within the Adelaide Zoological Gardens which opened in 1883. It is the only building of its kind in South Australia.

No longer used to house elephants, just a small display of artefacts.

State Heritage ID: 13650

Tags:   historic heritage elephant house Adelaide Adelaide Zoo South Australia Australia architecture

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Giraffa giraffa

Tags:   giraffe Adelaide Adelaide Zoo South Australia Australia zoo Giraffa giraffa
