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User / roelivtil / Sets / Smile on Saturday
Roeli Til / 210 items

N 74 B 2.5K C 45 E Jun 26, 2017 F Nov 14, 2020
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Een dun kleurig vliesje op het water door mineralen in de grond die een reactie aan gaan met zuurstof. Het lijkt vervuiling, maar de mineralen zitten van nature in de grond. Door de stand van de zon in een bepaalde hoek op de kwel te laten schijnen zie je het iriserende effect van deze mineralen op het water. Vergelijkbaar met olie.
Deze foto is gemaakt van een klein stukje kwel met veel blauw. Maar je vindt ook andere kleuren, zoals oranje, paars, bruin of aqua.

A thin colorfull fleece on the water. This is no polution but made by nature. These are iron bacterium. It is a sign of percolation water. Percolation water is loaded with all sorts of minerals that are dissolved in underground water. One of the most numerous minerals is iron and that is visible .
By shining the position of the sun at a certain angle on the seep, you can see the iridescent effect of these minerals on the water. Similar to oil.
This picture is made of a small piece of seep with a lot of blue.
Also other colors you can find, like orange, aqua, brown or purple.

Thanks for taking time to fave, comment and look at my work. I really appreciate.

Tags:   Kwel Seep Smile on Saturday Iridescent

N 61 B 2.0K C 27 E Nov 4, 2020 F Nov 7, 2020
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Seagull in Autumn joy

Thanks for taking time to fave, comment and look at my work. I really appreciate.

Tags:   Smile on Saturday Autumn colors Herfstkleuren Reflection Reflecties Weerspiegeling Meeuw Seagull Autumn joy Golden pond Goudkleurig Gouden vijver

N 55 B 2.1K C 24 E Oct 21, 2019 F Oct 31, 2020
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Theme: Smile on Satruday
Found in a forest.
Thanks for taking time to fave, comment and look at my work. I really appreciate.

Tags:   Smile on Saturday Spooky fun

N 135 B 2.0K C 46 E Feb 25, 2019 F Oct 24, 2020
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I see the crystal raindrops fall
And the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind

Theme Smile on Saturday: Song Title
'Just the two of us' Bill Withers

Tags:   Smile on Saturday Title song Just the two of us Madeliefjes Drops Dewdrops Song

N 79 B 1.6K C 43 E Jun 5, 2020 F Oct 2, 2020
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Thank you all for your inspriring suggestions. Most people choose a title with the earrings, but I go for the expression in the look:
Quickly, I need a tissue, I am going Sneeze!!!

Thanks for taking time to fave, comment and look at my work. I really appreciate.

Tags:   Smile on Saturday Title wanted High Key White background
