I can't move, summer is almost over and I still can't change
I'm waiting for the wind to get colder, colder still, to feel it on my skin and know if I'm alive
When I look at the horizon my gaze gets lost and sees nothing,
I huddle in my jumper and look for that slight warmth
even my breath has become cold and does not warm my hands
I close my eyes
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it was a nice white nite
it seemed that the world no longer existed
it seemed real
it was..
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unspoken thoughts, unwritten sentences, images without form, seen and dreamed.
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And I often lose my gaze in nothingness,
And I stare at nothingness, trying to rest my mind,
but it is at that very moment that I realize the emptiness
I realize, I concretize reality and try to rationalize it so I can see it for what it really is
so that I can decide what to do,
to plow through it and give myself that bit of strength that is lost in a sigh.
silence keeps me company, as a teacher teaches the difference between emotions,
teaches how to reflect on events,
teach then to look at yourself in a mirror, and smile at yourself,
because you are beautiful, because you are not so fragile,
because you will bend but not break in pain.
Because you know who you are.
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not a poetry, but a song
Lascio andare la mano
che mi stringe la gola
Lascio andare la fune
Che mi unisce alla riva
Il moschettone nella parete
L'orgoglio e la sete
Lascio andare le valigie
I mobili antichi
Le sentinelle armate in garritta
A ogni mia cosa trafitta
Lascio andare il destino
Tutti i miei attaccamenti
I diplomi appesi in salotto
Il coltello tra i denti
Lascio andare mio padre e mia madre
E le loro paure
Quella casa nella foresta
Un umore che duri davvero
Per ogni tipo di viaggio
Meglio avere un bagaglio leggero
Distendo le vene
E apro piano le mani
Cerco di non trattenere più nulla
Lascio tutto fluire
L'aria dal naso arriva ai polmoni
Le palpitazioni tornano battiti
La testa torna al suo peso normale
La salvezza non si controlla
Vince chi molla
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