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User / peter.velthoen / Zagorz, PKP ST32-115 en zuster machine
Peter Velthoen / 3,003 items
Op 2 september 1986 staan de stoomliefhebbers smachtend te wachten op een PT 47 voor een sneltrein als ook stevig rokend maar zwaarder brommend twee nu al bijna verdwenen ST43 machines van Roemeense oorsprong met de verwachte trein naderen. PKP ST32-115 en zuster machine nabij Zagorz. De nieuwsgierige wachtenden bij de bushalte slaan het zenuwachtig door het natte hoge gras struikelende groepje camera "vasthouders" met stijgende verbazing gade.
2 september 1986

Touring in Poland with a British Travel group named World Steam. Well organized and permitting participants to get inside some steam depots of PKP. Near Zagorz we were expecting a steamer type Pt47 to haul the oncoming passenger train. Smoke and much black heavy smoking walm and a heavy swelling deep hum came towards us. Panic and disappoinment because it was a "dis-easel" instead of our beloved steam. But the two ST34 with -115 ahead of its sister build in Rumania, are now long gone from PKP service today. The Rumanians build according to a Swiss engine build by Sulzer and its actually a very nice "diseasel". We captured many Pt47 during this trip and even managed to make footplate rides on these iron monsters.

The people waiting for the bus were amazed about the strange foreigners that were strumbling through the wet grass and over the steep sloop just to picture a train.
  • Views: 11971
  • Comments: 27
  • Favorites: 64
  • Taken: Sep 2, 1986
  • Uploaded: Mar 6, 2015
  • Updated: Sep 27, 2024