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User / peter.velthoen / Sets / Duitsland - Германия - Deutschland
Peter Velthoen / 234 items

N 58 B 32.1K C 51 E Oct 12, 1974 F Sep 8, 2015
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12 october 1974 VBE (Verkehrs Betrieve Extertal) or Exterltalbahn 22 at Barntrup during a NVBS excursion. Duch railfans in a organized tour. The photo dicipline was horrible and I stopped for a while going more often on interesting trips like this. I liked this strange looking wooden engine very much, .

The Extertalbahn A. G. 1926 ordered two freight cars with bogies at the North German wagon factory in Bremen (North wagon). On June 30, 1927, the car-building part was completed, the two cars went to Barntrup, and there the electrical equipment was built by AEG.
Strictly speaking both crs are a mix between a baggage & a post motorcar. The 1500 V DC power supply takes place via a centrally placed pantograph. Today the line is a museum line on 10 of the original 25 kilometer.

Tags:   Extertal Extertalbahn AEG spoorwegen locomotief Lokomotive Eisenbahn Privatbahn Schienengüterverkehr Lok E Lok Elektrolokomotive Barntrup Duitsland Deutschland Westfalen Peter Velthoen film negatief scan zwartwit

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Eisenbahnbrücke, Rendsburg, Nord-Ostsee Kanal Transatlantic mv Transwood am 8-9-2009
Schwebefähre Tragfähigkeit: 1x 42 t

A railway bridge with cables hanging ferry platform attached to it, Germany, Rendsburg.

TransAtlantic offers a high quality feeder service focusing on connecting outports in the Baltic Sea area with the major North European transshipment ports.

Tags:   dia film outdoor Peter Velthoen railroad road railway scan slide Spoorwegen Rendsburg Nord-Ostsee-Kanal Eisenbahnbrücke kanaal Kanal brug veer hangend veer spoorbrug Schwebefähre Eisenbahn Ms Transatlantic feeder containers Mv Transwood Duitsland Deutschland

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DBS 218 319 -344 mit IC 2310 auf der Eisenbahn Hochbrücke Hochdonn. Wo die Bahnlinie dem Kanal überquert.
15-7-2015 (218 319-2 + 218 344-0)

Een diesellok getrokken trein, Hochdonner Eisenbahnbrücke, Burg, Duitsland, een van de laatste klassieke IC's. Via Hamburg op weg naar Westerland, Sylt

A diesel locomotive hauled train, Hochdonner Eisenbahnbrücke, Burg, Germany, one of the last classic IC's. Through Hamburg on its way to Westerland, Sylt

Tags:   train outdoor railroad locomotive Zug Brücke Hochbrücke Deutschland Eisenbahn Hochbrücke Hochdonn Nord-Ostsee-Kanal DB 218 344 DB 218 319 Br 218 218 319-2 218 344-0 Lokomotive Diesellokomotive Eisenbahn Eisenbahnen DB Intercity Bahnlinie Kanal Peter Velthoen

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AVG 900 & 909 running southwards passing Forchheim on 28 May 2011. This section of the main line was still with classic semaphore signals. One of the dispatching points is inside this forgotten and run down station. ICE & LRT on the same tracks.

Tags:   Forchheim AVG semaphore train Stadtbahn Eisenbahnbetrieb Zweisystemfahrzeuge KVV klassische_eisenbahnsignale Linienzugbeeinflussung

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DBS 218-340 & sister engine arriving at Westerland, Sylt on 17 July 2015

Bahnübergang in der Königskamp, Handschranke

Tags:   Handschranke Bahnübergang Westerland Sylt railway DB 218-340 DB 218 Baureihe 218 SyltShuttle DB Sylt Shuttle
