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User / Monica Talbot / There must be a mistake...
Monica Talbot / 814 items
So, I was managing my Flickr photostream this morning to determine which of my 1,000 pictures (mostly private and archived) I should post as public, and which ones I should delete to make room for new ones. The 1,000 limit is because I've always had a free account, since I'm the ultimate 'free rider'.

Then I noticed there was this little PRO sign under my icon, and wondered - what the heck? Is Flickr trying to lure me in by having me click on this? So I took a chance, and very much to my surprise, I somehow or another acquired a PRO account. (But it's only valid till sometime in 2020).

So, now the great mystery: How did I wind up with this, when I know that I never spent any money for it? Either Flickr made a booboo, or is doing one of those famous 'free trial' offers, or......some anonymous sugar daddy (or sugar mommy) went and bought me a PRO account. I literally have no idea.

What this means is I don't need to keep deleting old photos in order to post new ones. However, it doesn't make sense to keep a lot of old ones viewable since no one ever goes back to look at your old pictures. (Just like no one ever washes a rental car).

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. This is a vintage "MIss Mary of Sweden' girdle I'm wearing. I had an entire writeup in mind about how the incredible compression of this Swedish-engineered shape wear had left me so breathless, I collapsed on the floor and lay unable to rise. But, I guess you'll just have to use your imaginations.

But if you see a Swedish woman named Mary searching about for her lost girdle, tell her to contact me.
  • Views: 332686
  • Comments: 48
  • Favorites: 494
  • Taken: Apr 1, 2019
  • Uploaded: Apr 15, 2019
  • Updated: Jun 27, 2024