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User / blipmumfuzz / Sets / Dead Blip
Blip Mumfuzz / 15 items

N 29 B 1.5K C 9 E Jan 21, 2016 F Jan 21, 2016
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Tags:   secondlife furillen

N 10 B 1.3K C 1 E Jan 21, 2016 F Jan 21, 2016
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Excerpt from Classified Preliminary Report on the January 23, 2025 Incident on Furillen Island

Colonel Thea Mandal-Rojas. Murdered by an unknown assassin. Colonel Rojas was on Furillen ostensibly for a holiday. But given her senior position within the Alliance of Southern Cartels' intelligence services there is speculation that she was here to meet with opposition leaders who oppose the EU's aggressive and blatant push for a piece of the lucrative Central American coca trade.

This was a professional job. The perpetrator left no evidence of any kind. We speculate that he/she arrived on the 11:45 ferry from Peaton. The body on the roof of the Ferry Terminal belongs to a maintenance worker. The body of an unidentified female was found on the pier. A third body, also female, was found washed up on the beach behind the hotel. At this time we are treating all these cases as the work of the individual responsible for Colonel Rojas' murder.

N 12 B 898 C 1 E Jan 21, 2016 F Jan 21, 2016
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Tags:   secondlife furillen

N 8 B 2.0K C 0 E Feb 27, 2016 F Feb 27, 2016
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"I couldn't remember anything for so long. I didn't know where I was. I didn't even remember who I was. I was just walking in a forest looking and looking and looking and I didn't know what I was looking for. I just knew I had to keep looking.

Then I woke up and remembered everything.

A message came to our village from Visby that said King Valdemar was going to attack Gotland. All the men and older boys went to fight, including my father and my brothers Aldi and Halldo. Before they left my father told me to protect our farm and my mother and younger sister and I promised I would.

We did what you always do...post lookouts. Keep smoke down. Make arrows. Then my uncle came back. He was hurt badly. An arrow went into his shoulder and couple of his fingers were gone. He said they had all gone to Masterby to get ready for battle. But the Danes attacked by surprise and nearly everyone was killed. A thousand Gotlanders were killed! I knew so many of them. He said King Valdemar himself led the attack!

He said everyone had to leave the village because Danish soldiers were marauding the countryside. So we fled to Furillen where we made a camp and hid in the forest. But after a few days they found us.

When they came into our camp they laughed when they saw us ready to fight. Then Merika put an arrow into one and they stopped laughing. It didn't hurt him too bad because of his leather mail, and she wasn't that strong. But when he tried to pull it out Britte killed him by putting a second arrow in his neck. Then they went crazy.

I tried my best. I truly did. A few got away but everybody else was taken or killed.

And that was that."

N 46 B 2.1K C 2 E Jun 13, 2016 F Jun 13, 2016
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A Story

She lived the way she died, lost in a dream and oblivious to the dangers that surrounded her.

For a time, she found peace by creating a virtual self in a virtual land where her soul could express itself according to its desire.

In the end, however, she failed to recognize that even there, she'd become lost in a dream.

