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5PM9 with SCT012, CSR011, CF4429 at Millswood on Sunday 8th of September 2024

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Dat het kriebelde om naar de spoorlijnen langs de Rijn te gaan, heb ik al bij mijn laatste actuele foto uit Lorch geschreven.

En ja hoor, gisteren 18 september 2024 was het dan nog eens zover. Wouter en ikzelf hadden om 6 uur 's ochtends de rit aangevat richting Unkel, waar we spijtig genoeg in de hoognevel terecht kwamen. We hadden wel al zon gezien tussen Keulen en Bonn, dus werden ter plekke de weerapps geconsulteerd om te zien waar de nevel al weggetrokken zou zijn.

Terug naar het noorden rijden leek uitgesloten wegens (bijna) geen fotopunten in de ochtend tussen Köln en Bonn langs de rechterkant van de Rijn (links was omzeggens toe wegens werkzaamheden).
Dan maar naar het zuiden.

Mogelijkheden waren er in Leutesdorf (maar daar zaten we nog steeds in de nevel) en bij Koblenz - waar het trouwens al de hele tijd zonnig was.

Urbar werd uitgekozen als eerste punt en we kregen er na de doorkomst van de - te laat rijdende - lokaaltrein direct deze knaller voor de lens.

De Bundesbahnfeeling trok voorbij in de vorm van een ellenlange Sonderzug van Centralbahn met hun mooie kasten E10 op kop!
And yes, on the 18th September 2024, my brother and myself made finally another excursion to the railways in the Rhine valley.

Due to engineering works the one on the left bank was almost without traffic, so Unkel was our first destination after departure in our hometown.

To our regrets the sun wasn't shining here in the morning, so we looked on out weather apps for locations without fog. And it seemed to be that the region around Coblence could already benefit plenty of sunshine, so we moved rather quickly to Urbar, where we could photograph after a little waiting time, this special charter train of Centralbahn.

Yeah, that was a nice beginning of the day!
Urbar, 18/09/2024
Centralbahn 110 278-9

Tags:   Urbar Koblenz Rhein Rheintal Rheinland-Pfalz Rijn Rijndal KBS 465 Rechte Rheinstrecke Sonderzug Deutschland Centralbahn CBB Baureihe110 Tankstelle

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The Hatton Locks or Hatton Flight are a flight of 21 locks on the Grand Union Canal.

The flight spans less than 2 miles of canal, and has a total rise of 45 metres.

They are also known as the 'Stairway to Heaven'.

'Institute of Railway Engineers' is the loco with the 4M32 05.52 Southampton Western Docks to Hams Hall liner on Hatton Bank which has a ruling gradient of 1 in 105 extending over about two and a half miles.

When the line up the Hatton Bank incline was originally built, it was constructed as a mixed gauge double track, but the broad gauge rail was subsequently removed in April 1869.

A Down Refuge Siding was provided in May 1879 about a third of the way up the incline at Budbrook and in October 1911, this refuge siding was converted into a loop.

In May 1914, the loop was extended up the incline to provide a second Down line all the way to Hatton Station. This was referred to as the Down Goods Running Line and allowed heavy freight trains to proceed up the Hatton Bank incline without stopping, while leaving the Main Down Line clear for faster traffic.

This third line was taken out of use on 25th May 1969 and the track removed shortly after.

Tags:   Warwick England United Kingdom
