You may recall from a few posts back my excitement at finding a large colony of this migratory bird (Lathams Snipe) close to home. The numbers encountered make this a significant site under our Federal Conservation Act.
My timing couldn't have been better.
I am pleased to say that after notifying the Biodiversity team at our local Council, they were as excited as I was. This area is partially protected due to the presence of a threatened grass species, otherwise it would already have been developed. However, some major developments of the site are about to occur. Literally!
Within a few days of me notifying them, emergency meetings have been called with all the relevant partners and they are all very supportive of promoting and protected this bird and its habitat.
From one little observation by an overexcited birdie nerd who was at the right place at the right time, hopefully the next time this colony of migratory birds make the exhausting journey to fly 20,000 km from Siberia through Japan and back to this tiny little wetland, it will still be here for them.
I don't know about you but I was in need of a good news story. Hope this one makes you feel good too.
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