The Lesser Whistling duck is an uncommon resident in Singapore and caused much excitement by their appearance with a brood of 10 ducklings at Gardens of the Bay.
We were told they had moved on but did find these two, though none of the ducklings.
I am just catching up with some bird images from Singapore before I go on the NZ holiday so apologies.
Tags: Gardens of the Bay Lesser Whistling Ducks Singapore birds Dendrocygna javanica Ducks whistling Ducks Nikon D500 Nikon 200-500
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The males of the hardhead are distinctive with these striking white eyes. They are Australia's only true diving duck and can stay under water for over 30 seconds down to depths of 100 m. At first one might think this may be related to the origin of their name.
Nope, the tale is abit more bleak.Apparently it came about because early taxidermists found the head the most difficult part of the duck to process.
I have been really enjoying the ducks in my lake and I have another threatened species to upload in the coming days.
Sorry if you are all ducked out but really, who doesn't love a duck!
Tags: Craigieburn Hard head ducks lakeside Male Hardhead Male duck bird Victorian Australian Bird Nikon D500 Nikon 200-500
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Grey Teal ducks taking a stroll along the edges of the Jacana Wetland in the late afternoon sun. These are one of our smaller species of ducks with the male slightly larger than the female.
They often feed by "dabbling" (filter surface water or mud through the bill), which I had great fun watching them do with their tails upended.
Perhaps not spectacular in their colours, they are still quite beautiful ducks.
Tags: Jacana Wetlands birds Anas gracilis Grey Teal duck Australian Bird water fowl water bird lake water Nikon D500 Tamron 150-600 Wetland
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This year the FFF+ Challenge is “Freestyle on the Fifth” where a member chooses a theme to be uploaded on the fifth of the month.
This month was Jovial Jenni’s turn to choose and she chose “Reflection”.
Reflection and experimentation of the truth.
Tags: birds reflection Moon night Pink-eared duck water stars Mountains blue Nightscape artistry composite Famous Five FFF plus
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It warms ones heart to see a newly hatched brood of ducklings, especially these Hardheads which are listed as Vulnerable in Victoria. They are our only true diving duck.
You will have to stay tuned for tomorrows upload to find out whether they broke my heart.
Tags: Craigieburn Hard head chicks ducks lakeside Aythya australis Nikon D500 Nikon 200-500
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