The beautiful bird is a common resident of Singapore. I was hoping to see one and glad I did. Hard not to notice this bird with it's striking yellow colour and black eye mask making out like a bandit.
Tags: Black-naped Oriole Oriole birds gardens by the Bay Oriolus chinensis Singapore yellow Nikon D500 Nikon 200-500
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Often the prize bird image is a close up portrait showing all the details in the feathers. We all want those images. But sometimes, seeing the bird in the context of its environment, giving it a sense of scale and place is just as good.
This image will probably get passed by on a thumbnail but if anyone takes the time to look, I hope they will be rewarded by the delicate beauty of this Common Kingfisher and its surrounds found at the Singapore Gardens by the Bay.
Tags: birds gardens by the Bay Kingfisher Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis Singapore bird Nikon D500 Nikon 200-500
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The Blyth’s Paradise Flycatcher is another species of bird that brought out the photographers with their big gun lenses in the gardens at Singapore. It belongs to the Monarch group. They are a migrant species, most common in October, becoming increasingly rarer thereafter. These birds have become extinct as a resident in Singapore since 1990.
We were lucky to be there in October and once again, spot the bird when everyone else had left.
I have included the three images for those birdo’s interested as the different poses show off the gorgeous colours and feathers in different ways.
Tags: Blythes Paradise Flycatcher Gardens of the Bay Singapore birds Gardens By the Bay Terpsiphone affinis Nikon Nikon D500 Nikon 200-500
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The Kingfisher is much celebrated bird in Singapore.
One of my goals in Singapore was to try to find some Kingfishers. Singapore has about 8 species but most are uncommon and migratory so you have to be lucky to find them. Only two are common residents and one is an uncommon resident. I was very happy to spot an uncommon and common resident.
This is the White-throated Kingfisher, a common resident of Singapore and South-East Asia. A real beauty. It is quite a large Kingfisher growing up to 28 cm (kookaburras are about 40 cm for comparison and our sacred Kingfisher is around 20 cm). It feeds on fish, large insects and small animals.
There was a resident bird at the Gardens by the Bay.
You may have to put up with a few images of this bird ;-)
Tags: birds gardens by the Bay White throated Kingfisher Kingfisher Singapore Halcyon smyrnensis water Bird Nikon Nikon D500 Nikon 200-500
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This is the second Drongo I was lucky enough to see (apart from the many I encounter of the human type). This shows the gorgeous long tail feathers or Rackets that the bird is famous for.
Bukit Batok Nature Park, Singapore.
Tags: birds drongo Bukit Batock Nature Park Singapore Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Dicrurus paradiseus glossy rainforest Nikon Nikon D500
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