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User / BlueberryAsh / Sets / art images
Beverley Van Praagh Off & On / 22 items

N 69 B 3.2K C 33 E Jan 1, 2021 F Jan 1, 2021
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1/100 Flickr 2021 Arty Farty

Whenever the Sherpa looks at these types of images, he stirs me by saying "nice bokeh". Any chance he gets he pulls it out, maybe because it is the only "fancy" photographic lingo he knows.

This is an image of my 'Love In a Mist (Nigella) that I have grown from seed. I am still trying to decide on my 2021X100 but I think it is going to be flower art or just art with my arty lenses.

This was taken with the Asahi Pentax 50 mm. I feel like more experimentation this year is on the cards so hope you stick around for the journey even if it isn't your cup of tea.

Tags:   Ashai Garden Lensbaby Pentax flowers Asahi Pentax 50 m 1:4 Nigella flower art

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Following on from yesterdays post, an ICM of the dead Snowgums near the summit of Lake Mountain.

I will put a non-ICM up tomorrow of these trees for those that find this "hard to look at" (Sherpa's words ;-) ).

I felt the ICM worked to emphasize the post-fire blackness and my feelings when viewing the effects of the fire.

Flickr 2021 x100-3/100 Arty Farty

Tags:   Marysville trees ICM burn dead trees Lake Mountain snow gums Intentional Camera Movement

N 82 B 1.9K C 34 E Jul 19, 2019 F Jan 17, 2021
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This was taken on a foggy morning where you could just make out the glowing white of the Church. This is the little Syrian Orthodox Church I generally photograph at sunset. The sun is setting further around to the south-west of the church at the moment so it doesn't really illuminate the site. I will keep visiting though, just in case something divine happens....

I have added some textures here to create an image that you may or may not appreciate!
If you want to see the different moods of the Church, please check out the album.

Tags:   Craigieburn Fog Orthodox Church church Art texture textures Syrian Orthodox Church CloudsStormsSunsetsSunrises

N 79 B 2.7K C 36 E Jan 1, 2021 F Jan 23, 2021
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" I will not be another flower,
Picked for my beauty and left to die,
I will be wild,
difficult to find,
and impossible to forget"
- Erin Van Vuren

Flickr 2021 x100-4/100 Arty Farty

Taken with the Vintage Super-Takumar Asahi Pentax 1.4/50 mm, responsible for that round, swirly bokeh.

Tags:   Ashai vintage lens cactus thorns Takumar lens garden flower

N 345 B 17.0K C 65 E Jan 26, 2021 F Jan 26, 2021
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This was taken with the new addition to my lens family-the Sol 45 (Lensbaby). A manual lens which has a small, sharp area of focus, surrounded by blur, with adjustable blades to add texture. You can change the area of focus by tilting the lens. It comes under the “creative” lens category. I am looking forward to playing with it but like all of these types of lenses, it takes some getting used to and lots of trial and error. And not to everyone's taste but it is where my heart is telling me to explore.

Some might say “only in Melbourne” but after a 3 day heat wave with temperatures up to 40C, the temperature crashed to 16C with rain yesterday. I decided to incorporate the weather in this image. I went down to the little Orthodox Syrian Church which you are now all familiar with. I took two images through the window of my car, one focusing on the raindrops on the window and the other on the Church and blended them in Photoshop.

I played with the colours and added abit of drama with texture and this is the result! Another to add to my Flickr 2021 x 100 4/100 Arty Farty

Tags:   Craigieburn Syrian orthodox church church rain Sol 45 Lensbaby Flickr X100 challenge X100 Flickr 2021 weather Art texture Arty Farty 100 x Flickr 2021 Edition
