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User / BlueberryAsh / Sets / Indie
Beverley Van Praagh Off & On / 1 item

N 51 B 1.9K C 49 E Jul 29, 2023 F Jul 29, 2023
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It's all the Sherpa's fault....

This is the new member of our family. Her name is Indie and she is a 14 week old standard poodle. Harpos breeder had a few pups that had not found their forever homes yet so she made a call out for people to volunteer and take a pup out for some socialisation. So, we drove down last week-end to pick up miss “pink collar” and took her down with Harpo to Phillip Island for the day. She turned out to be a sweet, calm, friendly and outgoing puppy and just a joy to be with. We have wanted a second puppy for ages wanted to wait till “I got better”. Since I am able to walk Harpo now I feel a bit more confident.

After our day at Phillip Island we dropped her back at the breeders home. Then it was one of those moments “are you thinking what I'm thinking?” On the Monday the Sherpa encouraged me to ring the breeder and ask her not to give her to anyone else.
So we brought her home yesterday and it's like she's always been here. I'm sure it's going to take Harpo a little while to get used to sharing some attention but so far apart from running around and being a bit rough and barking at her, they're doing quite well for the first day.

She is a complete Angel and I'm so glad we made the decision to bring her home. We popped her in the crate and she slept through the night.

The eye roller returns home from Greece tomorrow and she has no idea. I'm sure it will be a lovely surprise.

Tags:   puppy Standard Poodle poodle dog black pet
