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User / Richard Hagues / Sets
54 items

Former Soviet Railways
58 photos
Photos of trains from the former Soviet Union. This is trains built pre 1991 in Soviet member states, as well as designs from the Soviet era which continued to be built after the fall of the Union.

Ukrainian Railways
21 photos
Pictures of Ukrainian Trains from 2024 and onwards.

3 photos

Narrow Gauge
1 photo
Photos of trains on narrow gauge railways around the world.

9 photos
Photo's of mostly trains from Mongolia.

7 photos
Photos from the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan

2 photos
Trains in Demark, DSB and more.

5 photos

17 photos
Photos from Uzbekistan

19 photos
Photo's from Kazakhstan

Italy - Mainland
2 photos
Photo's from the Italian mainland

German Railways
8 photos

Romanian Railways
9 photos

14 photos

2 photos

8 photos
Photos from Croatia

1520 Railways
94 photos
Photos from countries who use 1520mm gauge railways.

Drone Photography
37 photos

21 photos
Photos of Railways and other transport from Lithuania, a Baltic country

7 photos
Photos from the Russian city of Kazan

22 photos
A selection of trains from Hungary

Italy - Sicily
9 photos
Photos from the Island of Sicily, in Italy.

24 photos
Photos from the Czech Republic

Trams and Light Rail Systems
14 photos
Trams and Light Rail Systems - a selection of photos from various light rail systems around Europe.

8 photos
Photos from in and around the Russian Capital City, Moscow.

St Petersburg
3 photos
Photos from the Russian city of St Petersburg.

8 photos
Photos from around the North Yorkshire Moors Railway

Engels and Saratov
12 photos
Photos from around Engels and Saratov in Russia

London Underground
4 photos
Photos from the London Underground

Pacers, 142s and 144s
15 photos
Photos of the famous "Pacer" type

North Yorkshire
16 photos

11 photos
Photos around Cheshire, England

Grand Central on the Hull Branch
6 photos

Night Photography
101 photos
Photos taken at night

19 photos

Lotos Kolej
13 photos
Selection of photos from the Polish Rail freight operator "Lotos Kolej", part of the bigger group Lotos

South Yorkshire
19 photos

West Yorkshire
52 photos
Photos from West Yorkshire

Munich Area
10 photos

Poland's Railways
129 photos
Selection of train photos from Poland.

Black and White photos
4 photos

Lincoln at night
10 photos
Photos taken in Lincoln at night using long exposure

19 photos
Photos of all kinds of farming

11 photos

Hannover Linden
37 photos
27th and 29th of June, 2017

North Rhine-Westphalia
14 photos
Selection of photos from North Rhine-Westphalia

Maintal 19th - 24th of June 2017
38 photos
Photos of trains from along the river Main in Bavaria, Germany.

66s in the UK and abroad
49 photos
Photos of JT42CWR or class 66 from around Europe.

East Yorkshire - Home Country
153 photos
East Yorkshire is where I grew up, next to a railway line infact.

Trains at Home (Cottingham)
58 photos
Trains taken around Cottingham on my farm.

Lincolnshire's Railways
104 photos
Selection of photos from around Lincolnshire of trains.

Cologne Railways
55 photos
A selection of freight and passenger workings from Cologne in May 2016

DB Cologne and Bonn
38 photos
A selection of freight and passenger from Deutsche Bahn

105 photos