This panorama's from June of 2021, during a weeklong 4WD adventure I took with a good friend of mine. We spent the week exploring northern Nevada and trying as much as possible to stay off the beaten path. My best guess for the purpose of these buildings is some sort of mine processing, as there were a number of mines near this site tucked away in the foothills.
During the trip temperatures hit record highs (upper 90s) during the day, and we spent a few hours one afternoon sitting near the mouth of an open mine, enjoying the blast of cold air that was roaring out of it.
One other quick note on this photo: As we were exploring around and looking at the abandoned buildings, a weird couple in an older truck drove up and asked if we'd been moving boulders into the road behind us to block them off. We hadn't, nor had we seen any boulders in the road, nor any other people this far out. They seemed somewhat satisfied by our answer, but then seemed to circle our campsite multiple times, kind of meandering around. It gave me a vaguely unsettled feeling as we were setting up camp and dark was falling. People are weird.
Tags: abandoned abandoned mine abaonded building ben coffman ben coffman photography great basin high desert milky way nevada night night photography night sky panorama stars
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Last year, on a trip to Iceland, I was lucky enough to visit Jokulsarlon for the first time. On my only other trip to Iceland, during the summer, I hadn't explored any of the south coast because I thought it would be too crowded, and I'm kind of allergic to crowds, maybe moreso post-pandemic than even pre-pandemic.
The weather at Jokulsarlon in March was pretty rough--lots of wind, rain, sleet, and snow--but the landscape was amazing. I did my best, despite the flat light and the disruptive wind, which ended up motion-blurring a couple of my panoramic shots, rendering the entire panorama unusable, a disappointment I didn't realize until I got home and was able to look the panorama over at 100%.
This is probably Iceland photography in a nutshell: amazing landscapes that are extremely challenging from a weather perspective.
Thanks for looking!
Tags: ben coffman ben coffman photography iceland iceland landscapes iceland photography iceland photos jokulsarlon jokulsarlon bridge bridge panorama diamond lagoon ice ice chunk iceberg glacier
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This was a quick phone-y from a spring of 2022 trip to Iceland. Unfortunately I arrived between any active lava (at least, any active lava that I knew about), but there was still plenty of interesting things to see at the site of previous eruptions.
Thanks for looking!
Tags: iceland lava gold golden veins volcano volcanic
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The luminescence and dark swirls in this ice cave reminded me of nebulae, thus the title. Taken during a spring of '22 trip to Iceland. It was a fun little adventure for the family to take tank-like trucks on 40-inch tires out to this ice cave in the middle of a snowstorm.
Thanks for looking!
Tags: ben coffman ben coffman photography dirt ice ice cave iceland iceland landscapes iceland photography iceland photos luminescent
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I'm a sucker for a brightly-painted lighthouse, I have to admit. Seen in Iceland, March of 2022. I wish I could've seen the little guy light up at night!
Thanks for the look!
Tags: ben coffman ben coffman photography fjords iceland iceland landscapes iceland photos lighthouse orange
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