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Fabrice LM / 50 items

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Glaschu'n cynorthwyo'r hil-laddiad./ Glaschu o sikour ar gouennlazh./ Glaschú ag cabhrú leis an gcinedhíothú./ Glaschú genozidioari laguntzen./ Glasgow aiding the genocide. ▪️ caat.org.uk/data/countries/israel/mapped-all-the-uk-compa... ▪️▪️▪️CYMRAEG▪️ "Mae grymoedd sydd yn gwbl anghyfartal yn cael eu cyflwyno fel pe baen nhw'n gyfartal: mae cefnogwyr Israel am roi terfyn ar y Palesteiniaid fel pobl, tra na bo'r Palesteiniaid ond am weld diwedd y wladwriaeth ormesol sy'n llofruddio eu plant ac sydd wedi mynd â phob dim oddi arnyn nhw. Dyw Palesteiniaid ddim yn ceisio difodi'r Iddewon, ond mae cefnogwyr Israel yn sicr yn ceisio difodi'r Palesteiniaid —  neu o leiaf maen nhw am iddyn nhw fod wedi eu darostwng yn barhaol. Drwy ffug gyfuno parhad apartheid ethno-wladwriaeth neilltuol â bodolaeth yr Iddewon fel pobl, rhywbeth a gaiff ei ailadrodd o hyd, gall cefnogwyr Israel honni "Rhaid i ni eu lladd nhw am eu bod nhw am ein lladd ni," gan mai "ni" yma yw gwladwriaeth Israel. Mae hyn yn rhoi darlun anonest o sefyllfa "naill ai ni sydd yno neu nhw", lladd neu gael ein lladd. Mae'n haws amddiffyn sefyllfa o'r fath yn foesol nag amddiffyn y gwirionedd, oherwydd fe all pawb gydymdeimlo â'r weithred o ladd er mwyn hunanamddiffyn, pan fyddwch yn cael eich lladd os na laddwch chi'r sawl sydd yn barod i'ch lladd chi. ▪️Ond, wrth gwrs, nid dyna beth sy'n digwydd mewn gwirionedd ym Mhalesteina. Nid dwy garfan sy'n gwrthwynebu bodolaeth ei gilydd sydd yno. Yr hyn sydd gennym yma yw trefedigaeth apartheid o wladychwyr, sy'n cael cefnogaeth yr ymerodraeth rymusaf mewn hanes, yn cael ei gollwng ar ben gwareiddiad a oedd eisoes yno, gyda'r bobl a fu'n byw yno yn cael gwybod ei bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw ildio a cholli eu hawliau, eu heiddo, a'u hurddas, neu wynebu cael eu difodi.▪️ Dyw'r pethau hyn ddim yn gyfartal, ond mae hi'n amlwg ei bod hi'n rhaid i gefnogwyr Israel beri iddyn nhw edrych yn gyfartal er mwyn tywyllu realiti cwbl anghyfiawn yr hyn a welwn heddiw." - Caitlin Johnstone
▪️▪️▪️ENGLISH▪️ "A wildly unequal dynamic is being falsely framed as equal: Israel supporters want an end to the Palestinians as a people, while Palestinians just want an end to the tyrannical apartheid state which murders their children and has taken everything from them. Palestinians don’t seek the extermination of the Jewish people, but Israel’s supporters absolutely seek the extermination of the Palestinian people — or at least their perpetual subordination.
By falsely conflating a particular apartheid ethnostate continuing to exist in its present iteration with the existence of Jews as a people, Israel’s supporters can then claim “We have to kill them because they want to kill us,” because “us” here means the state of Israel. This dishonestly frames this as an “it’s us or them”, kill-or-be-killed situation, which is much more morally defensible than the truth, because everyone can sympathize with the act of killing in self-defense when you will be killed if you don’t kill your would-be killer first.▪️But of course that isn’t the reality of what is happening with Palestine. This isn’t two groups mutually opposed to one another’s existence, this is an apartheid settler colony backed by the most powerful empire in history getting dropped on top of a pre-existing civilization, with the people who had been living there being told that they must either submit to losing their rights, their property and their dignity, or face extermination. ▪️These things are not equal. Clearly. Israel’s supporters just need to make them look equal to obfuscate the wildly unjust reality of what we are seeing today."
Caitlin Johnstone - ▪️▪️▪️14/08/2024: "The estimated cost of the total ammunition used in Gaza fighting is estimated at about 1.3 billion shekels [$370 million]. According to the army’s figures, 39,000 tank shells, 34,000 artillery shells, and 4.8 million bullets were supplied during the fighting. Senior military figures estimate that land forces alone used at least 60 percent of the 5,000 tons of ammunition given to them, but the IDF [Israeli army] cannot yet evaluate it accurately." ▪️▪️▪️"The main drones used against Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon are produced by Elbit Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. Thales has been partnering with both of these firms for many years.▪️ Intriguingly, much of the work has resulted from contracts with Britain, supposedly France’s arch rival.▪️It is relatively well known that Thales and Elbit Systems have been working together on the Watchkeeper, a drone program for the British Army. Less attention has been paid to cooperation between Thales and Israel Aerospace Industries on the Sea Serpent, a missile system for British naval vessels."

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Tags:   BLINK Lights Cincinnati Ohio City Night Festival Music Hall Light Show Washington Park

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Tags:   BLINK Lights Cincinnati Ohio City Night Festival Music Hall Light Show Washington Park

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Tags:   BLINK Lights Cincinnati Ohio City Night Festival Music Hall Light Show Washington Park

N 1 B 21 C 0 E Jan 12, 2025 F Jan 13, 2025
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Tags:   BLINK Lights Cincinnati Ohio City Night Festival Art Mural Drums Drummer Washington Park Music Hall Ohio River
