It's been really difficult during lockdown, to secure stranger portraits. Hence I have decided to take some previous portraits and see how they fare in b&w. Jamie was one of the few subjects I managed to ask for a portrait in between total lockdown periods last year.
Ray and I had gone for a trip in the park along the river, me on my scooter and him on foot. We met Jamie riding his electric scooter. He told me he rides it on part of his journey to his work as a teacher in an inclusion unit at a school supporting pupils who have various learning difficulties. He was offered the post as lockdown started and had only just begun his duties.
He was very happy that felt he had just made a difference to his first 1:1 pupil. He explained further that he himself had experienced problems with his education in his teenage years and this helps his understanding of such difficulties.
Jamie's first love is music, and he spoke about his previous life as a musician, travelling 'all over' to give concerts. Jamie was an eloquent speaker and I was caught up in the conversation and did not even think, for a long while, of asking for a strangers' portrait. When I did, he was happy to agree and I took several shots.
The light was fading and we were in the shade of large trees so some photos were more successful than others. This is one of three which I personally liked.
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