Rosignano Solvay(LI) 14 Gennaio 2025
E'appena transitata da Rosignano Solvay(LI) la E.494.504-0 I-CTI mentre svolge il XXMiglia / Maddaloni Marcianise F.A.
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Due to construction works from 18.11.2024 until 04.07.2025 the Tauern railway line is closed between Schwarzach-St.Veit and Mallnitz-Obervellach. Because of this the trains, are forced to use a detour route, like the Pyhrnbahn or the Ennstalbahn. On the picture taken on 01.12.2024 near Niederöblarn (AT) the S-RAIL 193 692 + 193 691 passing with the detoured train nr. 49696 from Ljubljana Zalog to Hallein.
Tags: srail SETG BR193 eisenbahnbilder eisenbahn bahnbilder train trainspotting zelenice züge zug vlak vlaky vonat vasút siemens vectron ennstalbahn railway werbelok
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Ďalším miestom kde bolo možné zachytiť posledné dni roka krásny "Banán" v zapadajúcom Slnku bola jeho cieľová stanica Košice - po 705 km trase z Prahy.
Aj toto miesto má svoje čaro vďaka 2 vysokým komínom, ktoré pochádzajú z bývalého závodu na spracovanie magnezitu.
Magnezitové ložisko sa nachádzalo, a ešte stále aj nachádza v lokalite Bankov, prevádzka závodu v pozadí bola spustená v roku 1951.
Magnezitová ruda sa do závodu privážala z Bankova lanovkou projektovanou v roku 1949.
Aj keď podnik patril medzi najväčších zamestnávateľov v Košiciach, stal sa z neho zároveň „symbol“ znečistenia ovzdušia a Košice patrili k najšpinavším mestám na Slovensku.
V prípade silného vetra, ktorý je pre Košice typický magnezitka doslova "zamorila" celé sídlisko Ťahanovce v pozadí, aj zvyšok Košíc.
Niekdajší primátor Košíc, neskôr aj prezident, Rudolf Schuster robil všetko preto aj po sťažnostiach občanov aby bola činnosť magnezitky ukončená.
Stalo sa tak v roku 1996.
V súčasnosti priemyselný areál závodu a rovnako aj baňa na Bankove už len chátrajú i keď na Bankove boli v roku 2011 nainštalované aspoň slnečné kolektory.
Areál pri vstupe do Košíc pri železničnej trati vyzerá ako "mesto duchov".
Na tomto mieste boli už plány postaviť obchodné centrum IKEA, avšak pre komplikovanú situáciu s pozemkami všetko naďalej pustne a k danej stavbe nedošlo.
Raz ale aj tu 2 komíny - symboly vstupu do Košíc určite "padnú" a rovnako ako "Banán" budú na tomto mieste už iba minulosťou.
Another place where it was possible to capture the last days of the year, the beautiful "Banán" in the setting sun, was its destination station Košice - after a 705 km route from Prague.
This place also has its charm thanks to 2 tall chimneys, which come from the former magnesite processing plant.
The magnesite deposit was located, and still is, in the Bankov area; the plant in the background was started up in 1951.
The magnesite ore was brought to the plant from Bankov by a cable car designed in 1949.
Although the company was one of the largest employers in Košice, it also became a "symbol" of air pollution and Košice was one of the dirtiest cities in Slovakia.
In the case of strong winds, which are typical for Košice, magnesite literally "polluted" the entire Ťahanovce housing estate in the background, as well as the rest of Košice.
The former mayor of Košice, later the president, Rudolf Schuster did everything possible to have the magnesite mine closed down, even after complaints from citizens.
This happened in 1996.
Currently, the industrial area of the plant and the mine in Bankov are just dilapidated, although at least solar collectors were installed in Bankov in 2011.
The area at the entrance to Košice by the railway line looks like a "ghost town".
There were already plans to build an IKEA shopping center at this location, but due to the complicated situation with the land, everything remains deserted and the construction did not take place.
But once again, here too, 2 chimneys - symbols of the entrance to Košice will definitely "fall" and, like "Banán", will be a thing of the past at this location.
Tags: train vlak ec 241 kosican cd ceske drahy retro banan krysa 151 151.023
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The Retrack newest hired locomotive, the Akiem 189 151 passing on the morning of 2025.01.04. near Pettend, which located between Martonvásár and Kápolnásnyék station in Hungary, with the loaded tanker train nr. 45999 from Čierna nad Tisou to Cavatigozzi. At the end of the train, the 600 761 Sulzer worked as a pusher locomotive.
*Photo taken with a high tripod.
Tags: es64 f4 br189 akiem eisenbahnbilder eisenbahn retrack bahnbilder railway train trainspotting zelenice züge zug vlak vlaky vonat vasút Siemens
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Kurz vor Marrakech
Tags: ONCF Prima2 Alstom Marokko Maroc Nachtzug
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