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User / Maarten van der Velden / Sets / 150 Jahre Eisenbahn in Österreich
Maarten van der Velden / 6 items

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Grieswirt (A) 31-08-1987
B&B »ÖBB« 52.3879

Dieses Bild entstand während einer mehrtägigen Dampftraktionsfahrt anläßlich des 150-jährigen Eisenbahnjubiläums in Österreich.

Deze foto is gemaakt tijdens een meerdaagse rit met stoomtractie ter gelegenheid van het jubleum 150 spoorwegen in Oostenrijk.

This photo was taken during a multi-day steam traction trip on the occasion of the jubleum 150 railways in Austria.

Cette photo a été prise lors d'un voyage de traction à vapeur de plusieurs jours à l'occasion du 150e anniversaire des chemins de fer en Autriche.

Esta foto fue tomada durante un viaje de tracción a vapor de varios días con motivo del 150 aniversario de los ferrocarriles en Austria.

Questa foto è stata scattata durante un viaggio con trazione a vapore di più giorni in occasione del 150° anniversario delle ferrovie in Austria.

Esta foto foi tirada durante uma viagem de tração a vapor de vários dias por ocasião do 150º aniversário das ferrovias na Áustria.


© All rights reserved
You may not use this image in any form without my prior permission.

This INCLUDES also usage on SOCIAL MEDIA and on websites
except when usage is embedded or made by linking,
but NOT by copying and pasting.

This image is protected by Dutch and international copyright laws.

Tags:   Oostenrijk Austria Österreich Autriche Grieswirt trein stoomlocomotief stoomtrein bergen wolken train steam locomotive steam train mountains clouds Zug Dampflokomotive Dampfzug Berge locomotive à vapeur montagnes nuages tren locomotora a vapor montañas nubes treno locomotiva a vapore montagne nuvole comboio locomotiva a vapor montanhas nuvens ÖBB B&B B&B 52.3879 ÖBB 52.3879 52.3879 DR Baureihe 52 ÖBB Reihe 52 Reihe 52 ÖBB class 52

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Uttendorf-Stubachtal (A) 31-08-1987
ÖBB 399.01

Dieses Bild entstand während einer mehrtägigen Dampftraktionsfahrt anlässlich des 150-jährigen Eisenbahnjubiläums in Österreich.

Deze foto is gemaakt tijdens een meerdaagse rit met stoomtractie ter gelegenheid van het jubileum 150 spoorwegen in Oostenrijk.

This photo was taken during a multi-day steam traction trip on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Austria's railways.

Cette photo a été prise lors d'un voyage de traction à vapeur de plusieurs jours à l'occasion du 150e anniversaire des chemins de fer en Autriche.

Esta foto fue tomada durante un viaje de tracción a vapor de varios días con motivo del 150 aniversario de los ferrocarriles en Austria.

Questa foto è stata scattata durante un viaggio con trazione a vapore di più giorni in occasione del 150° anniversario delle ferrovie in Austria.

Esta foto foi tirada durante uma viagem de tração a vapor de vários dias por ocasião do 150º aniversário das ferrovias na Áustria.


© All rights reserved
You may not use this image in any form without my prior permission.

This INCLUDES also usage on SOCIAL MEDIA and on websites
except when usage is embedded or made by linking,
but NOT by copying and pasting.

This image is protected by Dutch and international copyright laws.

Tags:   Oostenrijk Austria Österreich Autriche Uttendorf-Stubachtal trein stoomlocomotief stoomtrein bergen wolken train steam locomotive steam train mountains clouds Zug Dampflokomotive Dampfzug Berge locomotive à vapeur montagnes nuages tren locomotora a vapor montañas nubes treno locomotiva a vapore montagne nuvole comboio locomotiva a vapor montanhas nuvens ÖBB ÖBB 399.01 ÖBB Baureihe 399 ÖBB Reihe 399 Reihe 399 ÖBB class 399

N 269 B 5.7K C 20 E Sep 3, 1987 F Feb 7, 2023
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Laxenburg-Biedermannsdorf (A) 03-09-1987
ÖEM 310.23

(ÖEM »BBÖ« 310.23: ex-ÖBB 16.08, ex-ÖStB 16.08, ex-DRG 16 008, ex-BBÖ 310.23, ex-ÖStB, ex-DÖStB, ex-kkStB)

Dieses Bild entstand während einer mehrtägigen Dampftraktionsfahrt anläßlich des 150-jährigen Eisenbahnjubiläums in Österreich.

Deze Bild is gemaakt tijdens een meerdaagse rit met stoomtractie ter gelegenheid van het jubleum 150 spoorwegen in Oostenrijk.

This photo was taken during a multi-day steam traction trip on the occasion of the jubleum 150 railways in Austria.

Cette photo a été prise lors d'un voyage de traction à vapeur de plusieurs jours à l'occasion du 150e anniversaire des chemins de fer en Autriche.

Esta foto fue tomada durante un viaje de tracción a vapor de varios días con motivo del 150 aniversario de los ferrocarriles en Austria.

Questa foto è stata scattata durante un viaggio con trazione a vapore di più giorni in occasione del 150° anniversario delle ferrovie in Austria.

Esta foto foi tirada durante uma viagem de tração a vapor de vários dias por ocasião do 150º aniversário das ferrovias na Áustria.


© All rights reserved
You may not use this image in any form without my prior permission.

This INCLUDES also usage on SOCIAL MEDIA and on websites
except when usage is embedded or made by linking,
but NOT by copying and pasting.

This image is protected by Dutch and international copyright laws.

Tags:   Oostenrijk Austria Österreich Autriche Laxenburg-Biedermannsdorf trein train tren treno comboio station Bahnhof gare estacion stazione estação ÖEM BBÖ ÖBB ÖEM 310.23 BBÖ 310.23 ÖBB 16.08 ÖStB 16.08 DRG 16 008 BBÖ 310 BBÖ Reihe 310 Reihe 310 ÖBB 16 ÖBB Reihe 16 Reihe 16

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Hirschbach {A} 04-09-1987
MÁV 109.109 + B&B »ÖBB« 33.132

MÁV 109.109: ex-302.610, ex-DSA 109.109, ex-Südbahn
B&B »ÖBB« 33.132: ex-JŽ 10-005, ex-06-105, ex-DRG 33 132, ex-BBÖ 113.32

Dieses Bild entstand während einer mehrtägigen Dampftraktionsfahrt anlässlich des 150-jährigen Eisenbahnjubiläums in Österreich.

Deze foto is gemaakt tijdens een meerdaagse rit met stoomtractie ter gelegenheid van het jubileum 150 spoorwegen in Oostenrijk.

This photo was taken during a multi-day steam traction trip on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Austria's railways.

Cette photo a été prise lors d'un voyage de traction à vapeur de plusieurs jours à l'occasion du 150e anniversaire des chemins de fer en Autriche.

Esta foto fue tomada durante un viaje de tracción a vapor de varios días con motivo del 150 aniversario de los ferrocarriles en Austria.

Questa foto è stata scattata durante un viaggio con trazione a vapore di più giorni in occasione del 150° anniversario delle ferrovie in Austria.

Esta foto foi tirada durante uma viagem de tração a vapor de vários dias por ocasião do 150º aniversário das ferrovias na Áustria.

Die gleiche Machine heute:
Dezelfde locomotief nu:
The same locomotive nowadays:
La même locomotive aujourd'hui:
La misma locomotora hoy;
La stessa locomotiva oggi:
A mesma locomotiva hoje:


© All rights reserved
You may not use this image in any form without my prior permission.

This INCLUDES also usage on SOCIAL MEDIA and on websites
except when usage is embedded or made by linking,
but NOT by copying and pasting.

This image is protected by Dutch and international copyright laws.

Tags:   Oostenrijk Austria Österreich Autriche Hirschbach trein bos telegraafmasten stoomtrein kilometersteen train forest telegraph masts steam train kilometer stone Bahn Wald Telegrafenmasten Dampfzug Kilometerstein forêt mâts télégraphiques train à vapeur tren bosque tren de vapor treno foresta treno a vapore comboio floresta MÁV B&B MÁV 109.109'MÁV 302.610 DSA 109.109 Südbahn 109.109 MÁV 109 MÁV 302 Südbahn 109 Südbahn Reihe 109

N 233 B 4.9K C 6 E Sep 5, 1987 F Jun 21, 2024
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Straßhof (A) 05-09-1987
ÖBB 1063 023-4

Jubilläumsfeier 150 Jahre Eisenbahn in Österreich.
Jubileum 150 jaar spoorwegen in Oostenrijk.
Anniversary celebration 150 years of railways in Austria.
Célébration d'anniversaire 150 ans de chemins de fer en Autriche.
Celebración del aniversario 150 años de ferrocarriles en Austria.
Celebrazione dell'anniversario 150 anni delle ferrovie in Austria.
Comemoração do aniversário de 150 anos das ferrovias na Áustria.


© All rights reserved
You may not use this image in any form without my prior permission.

This INCLUDES also usage on SOCIAL MEDIA and on websites
except when usage is embedded or made by linking,
but NOT by copying and pasting.

This image is protected by Dutch and international copyright laws.

Tags:   Oostenrijk Austria Österreich Autriche Straßhof goederentrein freight train Güterzug train marchandise tren de mercancias treno merci comboio mercadoria trein train Zug tren treno comboio ÖBB 1063 023-4 ÖBB Baureihe 1063 ÖBB Reihe 1063 Reihe 1063 ÖBB class 1063 150 Jahre Eisenbahn
