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User / PalBenglat / Lego-Pal-Benglat-Fantasy-Tractor-Trekker-Schlepper-Traktor-Farm-3-4-6-wide-MOC-04
277 items
For long had been wanting to use the 1x4x1 fence element in a vehicle. Now it's been used upside down as an air vent on the sides of this MOC tractor's hood. Brackets and 1x1 SNOT bricks have been used underneath to get the half-plate-high ridge on the top of the hood and to mount the front fenders, among others. The design was inspired by Schlüter and other such tractors of the 70s and 80s. Tried to get something like a trademark nose with an air inlet-brand emblem-combination.
  • Views: 2444
  • Comments: 3
  • Favorites: 9
  • Taken: Jan 18, 2021
  • Uploaded: Jan 18, 2021
  • Updated: Jan 23, 2023