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User / PalBenglat / Sets / Lego 6 and 6.x wideambulace emt RTW MOC
10 items

N 10 B 3.9K C 10 E Mar 25, 2020 F Mar 25, 2020
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European style ambulance. 6 wide cab and 6.x wide back with 16 plates horizontally mounted. SNOT in all directions :). I had always found 7 or even 8 wide backs of ambulances too wide. So with my building technique, I achieved that the back is just a little wide than the cab. It fits, of course, two minifigs side by side in the cab and patient and medic in the back. All without extending the whole van too much and losing the right proportions. Unfortunately, I did not have the bigger doors in white, so I had to use the regular doors in double. The rear fender building technique was inspired by Mad Runner's pick up truck www.flickr.com/photos/149347090@N03/48721669618/in/faves-...

Tags:   legominifigscalesidebysideseating lego emt ambulance rtw koffer paramedics car 6 wide snot drk red cross

N 3 B 1.1K C 0 E Mar 25, 2020 F Mar 25, 2020
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European style ambulance. 6 wide cab and 6.x wide back with 16 plates horizontally mounted. SNOT in all directions :). I had always found 7 or even 8 wide backs of ambulances too wide. So with my building technique, I achieved that the back is just a little wide than the cab. It fits, of course, two minifigs side by side in the cab and patient and medic in the back. All without extending the whole van too much and losing the right proportions. Unfortunately, I did not have the bigger doors in white, so I had to use the regular doors in double. The rear fender building technique was inspired by Mad Runner's pick up truck www.flickr.com/photos/149347090@N03/48721669618/in/faves-...

N 1 B 1.0K C 0 E Mar 25, 2020 F Mar 25, 2020
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European style ambulance. 6 wide cab and 6.x wide back with 16 plates horizontally mounted. SNOT in all directions :). I had always found 7 or even 8 wide backs of ambulances too wide. So with my building technique, I achieved that the back is just a little wide than the cab. It fits, of course, two minifigs side by side in the cab and patient and medic in the back. All without extending the whole van too much and losing the right proportions. Unfortunately, I did not have the bigger doors in white, so I had to use the regular doors in double. The rear fender building technique was inspired by Mad Runner's pick up truck www.flickr.com/photos/149347090@N03/48721669618/in/faves-...

N 1 B 1.0K C 0 E Mar 25, 2020 F Mar 25, 2020
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European style ambulance. 6 wide cab and 6.x wide back with 16 plates horizontally mounted. SNOT in all directions :). I had always found 7 or even 8 wide backs of ambulances too wide. So with my building technique, I achieved that the back is just a little wide than the cab. It fits, of course, two minifigs side by side in the cab and patient and medic in the back. All without extending the whole van too much and losing the right proportions. Unfortunately, I did not have the bigger doors in white, so I had to use the regular doors in double. The rear fender building technique was inspired by Mad Runner's pick up truck www.flickr.com/photos/149347090@N03/48721669618/in/faves-...

N 4 B 1.2K C 2 E Mar 25, 2020 F Mar 25, 2020
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European style ambulance. 6 wide cab and 6.x wide back with 16 plates horizontally mounted. SNOT in all directions :). I had always found 7 or even 8 wide backs of ambulances too wide. So with my building technique, I achieved that the back is just a little wide than the cab. It fits, of course, two minifigs side by side in the cab and patient and medic in the back. All without extending the whole van too much and losing the right proportions. Unfortunately, I did not have the bigger doors in white, so I had to use the regular doors in double. The rear fender building technique was inspired by Mad Runner's pick up truck www.flickr.com/photos/149347090@N03/48721669618/in/faves-...
