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Uve-Rain Uusrand / 49 items

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Female speckled bush cricket [Leptophyes punctatissima] on rose blossom.

I have often observed this species in the garden, they are not very shy and can often be seen on roses, yesterday on a small-flowered rose stem that is blooming for the third time this year.

Habe diese Art bereits oft im Garten beobachten können, sind wenig scheu und häufig auf Rosen zu sehen, gestern auf einem kleinblütigen Rosenstämmchen, das dieses Jahr zum dritten Mal blüht.

Tags:   punktierte Zartschrecke speckled bush cricket Leptophyes punctatissima Rose Blüte Insekt insect animal Tier Blume flower blossom rose blossom Natur nature natura naturaleza Albert Wirtz Albert Wirtz landscape and nature photography Albert Wirtz Landschafts- und Naturfotografie Sony Sony FE 90mm F2.8 Macro G OSS SonyILCE-7RM4 macro Makro Makrofoto macro photo fineart nature fine art fine art photography bokeh red rot green grün Bergweiler Wittlich-Land Eifel Moseleifel Südeifel Germany Deutschland Allemagne Rheinland-Pfalz Rhineland-Palatinate

N 1 B 9 C 0 E Sep 18, 2024 F Sep 18, 2024
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N 0 B 11 C 0 E Sep 18, 2024 F Sep 18, 2024
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N 104 B 1.2K C 3 E Sep 18, 2024 F Sep 18, 2024
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Mellon Udrigle Sunrise, Scotland by Jackie Matear

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Reminder of one of the many great locations in the American Southwest.
After about 4 hours of hiking the Hualapai-Hilltop-Trail into the valley of the Havasu creek, you will reach this view.

I took the picture shortly after 6 a.m. (the time in the exifs is incorrect).

Tags:   USA America United States American Southwest Vereinigte Staaten USA Südwest Arizona Havasu Havasupai Supai Havasu Falls water Wasser waterfall Wasserfall long exposure Langzeitbelichtung Havasupai Tribe türkis turquoise blau-grün Natur nature natura naturaleza Albert Wirtz Albert Wirtz landscape and nature photography Albert Wirtz Landschafts- und Naturfotografie Nikon D200 TAMRON SP AF 28-75mm F2.8 XR Di LD Aspherical IF Macro A09N Landschaft landscape paysage paisaje paesaggio campo campagne campagna fineart landscape fine art nature fine art fine art photography walking hiking wandern Schlucht Canyon outdoor outside breathtaking delicate tree Baum rock Fels sandstone Sandstein
