Alien art
The difference between computers and us is we are alive and have emotions and feelings. Computers can have senses and collect information, but they are not alive and have no emotions and feelings. It looks like being alive and emotions -feelings are going together. Being alive, emotions and feelings, senses and the information collected from our brain make us human beings. We function as human beings in our society because of the pressures which affect our feelings and emotions. Fear is the leading one. The additional feelings and emotions which we like to have are love, heroism, helping, enjoying, etc. bond us together to live in a society. We have to be the one which our society wants.
Aliens have to function like us if they exist. They have to be alive and have to have feelings and emotions, but the dominating feelings - emotions and the number of feelings - emotions can be very different. They might have a strong mechanism to control their feelings and emotions.
As human beings, we have to learn to control our feelings and emotions. We can't wait that the biological development created by nature to do the job for us. There is a conflict between what society desires and how we actually function. We are not perfect. The conflict creates for us troubles.
In space, an explosion would not affect technologically advanced aliens. They would be aware of when stars are likely to explode, when comets or asteroids may collide with them, etc.
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