Alien art
Some thoughts...
There should be a limit on how small subatomic particles can get; becoming endlessly small is unimaginable. At some point, particles must be created differently, not from other smaller particles. This would be the energy as we know it. There is nothing else according our knowledge. Energy transforms into matter, particles, under certain conditions.
We need to ask ourselves the following questions:
- Is everything that exists just a play of energy and matter? No, this does not seem logical when we consider the infinite space and time.
- What is out there? It is very difficult to answer that.
- Is it possible that there will be a limit to what is out there? No, I don’t think so when we consider the endless space and time.
A line extends infinitely far in two opposite directions in space, as is used in mathematics. It is not possible that we have limited creations, the same things repeated along a line stretching infinitely in both directions in space.
The rule would be this: unlimited creations can be expected in the endless space and time, not just matter and energy.
Along the line, there would be many different aliens. No matter where the aliens would be on that line, they would have feelings and emotions when they form a society.
We exist as human beings because of our feelings and emotions. Otherwise, we would not be alive.
If you want, you can look at the beautiful pictures in the group Very Arty.