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N 18 B 92 C 8 E Sep 5, 2024 F Sep 16, 2024
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I promised to occasionally post a photo of Charlie from his "holidays" with us in late August / early September, so here is one. Charlie is a rather lazy cat and he enjoyed to just relax somewhere among the greenery and watch everything that was going on around him. :)

Tags:   Charlie Brown Katze Kater cat Britisch Kurzhaar British Shorthair Garten garden versteckt sich hiding beobachtet observing Baum tree grau grey Bernsteinaugen amber eyes Haustier pet

N 10 B 88 C 4 E Sep 16, 2024 F Sep 16, 2024
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As I take quite a lot of photos at the pumpkin festival, here is a little collage. I may revert to this kind of presentation again in the near future as I don't want to bombard you even more than I already do with photos of pumpkins. :)

Tags:   Kürbisse pumpkins Kürbisausstellung pumpkin festival Ludwigsburg Kürbiskunst pumpkin art

N 27 B 158 C 2 E Sep 12, 2024 F Sep 16, 2024
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Ce jeune moineau battait des ailes sur cette branche pour avoir de la nourriture apportée par sa Maman. Elle est venue avec des bouts de mirabelle cueillis dans l'arbre, ce que l'on peut voir sur la photo dans le 1er commentaire.

This young sparrow was flapping its wings on this branch to get food brought by its mother. She came with pieces of mirabelle plum picked from the tree, what you can see in the photo in the 1st comment.

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Tags:   Nikon D850 swan bird wildlife 400mm f2.8 jonathan casey photography jonathancaseyphotography nature whitlingham Norfolk
