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User / die Fernreiselustige / Sets / Greenland - Sept. 2023
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The common name is Nunarput ("Our Land")
It belongs geographically to North America and geologically to the Arctic sub-region.
Greenland's north coast is the closest large contiguous land mass to the North Pole at a distance of 740 kilometres.

Tags:   Greenland „Nunarput (Our Land) „ „overflight AC839“ „Altitude 10.973m“ „Speed 872 km/h“

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Speed 872 km/h
The common name is Nunarput ("Our Land")
It belongs geographically to North America and geologically to the Arctic sub-region.
Greenland's north coast is the closest large contiguous land mass to the North Pole at a distance of 740 kilometres.

Tags:   Greenland view overflight with AC839 Nunarput (Our Land) geographically to North America North Pole distance of 740 KM

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Speed 872 km/h
The common name is Nunarput ("Our Land")
It belongs geographically to North America and geologically to the Arctic sub-region.
Greenland's north coast is the closest large contiguous land mass to the North Pole at a distance of 740 kilometres.

Tags:   Greenland view overflight with AC839 Nunarput (Our Land) geographically to North America North Pole distance of 740 KM

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Speed 872 km/h
The common name is Nunarput ("Our Land")
It belongs geographically to North America and geologically to the Arctic sub-region.
Greenland's north coast is the closest large contiguous land mass to the North Pole at a distance of 740 kilometres.

Tags:   Greenland „Nunarput (Our Land) „ „overflight AC839“ „Altitude 10.973m“ „Speed 872 km/h“

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Speed 872 km/h
The common name is Nunarput ("Our Land")
It belongs geographically to North America and geologically to the Arctic sub-region.
Greenland's north coast is the closest large contiguous land mass to the North Pole at a distance of 740 kilometres.

Tags:   Greenland „Nunarput (Our Land) „ „overflight AC839“ „Altitude 10.973m“ „Speed 872 km/h“
