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I just returned from a long Thanksgiving vacation at one of my favorite places, Lake Tahoe, NV. We had a great time, ate lots of food and spent time with family. Of course, I can't go to this beautiful place and not take any photos; so, I met up with several photographers for some shooting. On this particular shoot,
Barrett and I headed to Sand Harbor State Park while
Jim and
Kendra headed to Bonsai Rock.
Sand Harbor is a great place with lots of cool comps. The main gate is closed at sunset and you could possibly be locked inside. If your going to visit here park in the boat launch area so you can exit the park after sunset. This particular comp was shot inside the main cove where it was a tad dark due to the shadows (hence the long exposure). Lake Tahoe had a fresh coat of snow so we were crossing our fingers for some nice light. As we waited in 20 degree temperature we were treated to a beautiful sky.
After shooting we enjoyed some great Mexican food and heated seats at a local diner. While most of my family members slept in warm beds, I was out with Jim and Kendra chasing the storms in our desperate attempt to catch some nice light. Who says waking up at 5:00 am, enduring 10 degree weather and hiking through knee deep snow isn't fun? The light didn't develop like we wanted in most of these outings, but we still had a great time. Be sure to check out their streams to see their take on this evening.
Thanks for your constant support and visits. Have a great rest of the week and may the light be with you wherever you are. Jave