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User / JaveFoto / Sets / B&W
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Last week, I received my "big stopper" and I was itching to get out and use it; so, I headed out to the coast and eventually landed in Pacifica, CA. This city is usually blanketed by fog so I was really crossing my fingers for some nice clouds. As I arrived it started to sprinkle, so I pulled out my golf umbrella and shot away. The rain continued so I had no choice but to shoot the pier from this location. The rain eventually gave up and I shot other comps, but to be honest I liked this one the best. Long exposures (B&W) are not as easy as you think and takes lots of patience. By the way, the "big stopper" is a must in every landscape photographer's bag. It's so much easier then the round screw on type.

Here in the bay area, we are lucky to be schooled by local black & white master, Steve. Click here for some serious black & white inspiration.

Hope you all have a great holiday weekend and may you and your camera find some beautiful light. As always, thanks for your support and visits. Jave

Tags:   5DMK2 17-40L BIGSTOPPER LEE filters seascape ocean water pier Pacifica CA coast coastal natural nature sand longexposure 10stop pacific clouds B&W shore wharf

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On a cold winter morning this year I headed out to Capitola Pier. The sky did not develop as I would have liked so I waited. I anticipated the sun rising right above the forth light pole on the pier which was plan B. I composed and waited for the sun to produce these awesome lines and shadows. Thanks to the B&W experts; Steve, Joel and Diego for their BW tips.

I hope you are all having a great week. Thanks for your support and visits and may the light be with you. Jave

Tags:   Pacific Ocean Coastal Capitola Santa Cruz County Pier water natural sky black white nature shadows lines sand sunstar wharf beach sunrise clouds storm winter sescape California USA surf sea 5DMK2 17-40L CS5 Monochrome

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Life is SUPER busy, I hope everyone is well. This is a shot from a bootcamp photography trip back in June. As I was taking this shot, David and Alan were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, as they were being chased by mosquitos, it was really a sight to see. A huge thanks to Ryan for guiding us to this spot. Have a great rest of the week and may the light be with you. Jave

Tags:   Somewhere Washington WA palouse steptoebutte barn grass weeds sky clounds BW black white old hanging by nail clouds textures rural wood tilted

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This image is from a recent Fog chasing trip to San Francisco with James. As usual eight out of ten times the fog was to thick, too high etc... On this morning the sky was covered in heavy clouds. The sun was rising behind the thick clouds and for a moment the light beams came out right above the Famous Alcatraz Island. I, of course drove really fast, pulled over and shot away a few frames before the light beams disappeared. I went dark and moody here because of the scene and history behind this place.

I want to thank all of you for your constant support and visits. I want to wish you all Happy Holidays and a safe New Year and may the light be with you in 2012 my friends. Jave

Tags:   Alcatraz Island historic landmark history iconic prison jail San Francisco California USA CA Marin county tower rock bay area water pacific ocean coasta coast manmade sunrise United States

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Wow, I can't believe this was taken almost one year ago; time flies when you're having fun! Walton Lighthouse is a great spot for sunrise and after having been here a few times I wanted to try something different. On this morning, the light didn't develop; but my training kicked in; IMPROVISE, ADAPT and OVERCOME! We ran to the other side of the lighthouse and shot away. Thanks to mother nature who created such a beautiful leading line for me. Hope you're all having a great week. Happy Easter and may the light be with you. Jave

Tags:   Walton Lighthouse Santa Cruz CA California USA Pacific Ocean Nature historical landmark water wave BW black white clouds moody drama natural coastal Higway one sea sunrise morning dark rocks harbor seabright beach Javier Acosta Photography 5DMK2 17-40L Induro tripod cloudy day
