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User / JaveFoto / Sets / Pacific Ocean, USA
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This image is from one of my favorite sunsets this year. One of the reasons it's my favorite is because of the story behind it. This year here in the Bay Area we were blessed with some late storms and on one occasion I had made a decision to chase some of them. On day one, I drove 150 miles; day two, I drove 100 miles; and on day three, I was joined by James and we drove to San Francisco, CA.

We arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge only to be rained on. We decided to head over the hill to Rodeo Beach, which by the way is only 15 minutes away. The tide was low and as you can see the sky blew up. You can imagine how ecstatic I was to finally witness this kind of light after chasing the storms for 3 days. This year I have met lots of wonderful people here on flickr. I have always believed that the flickr community is a great learning resource. Thanks for your guidance, inspiration and friendship. Happy New Year everyone:). Jave

Tags:   Rodeo Beach Marin Headlands CA California Pacific Ocean water streaks storms sea stacks motion nature natural costal coast sunset clouds sky seascape San Francisco NOHDR NOBLEND waves light stormchaser CS5 Singh Ray reverse filter

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On a recent trip to Southern CA, we visited the city of Cayucos. Its located just off Highway One, halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Because of the mild seasons, cool but sunny summers, and sunny, mild winters, Cayucos an ideal resort for summer and winter vacations. As we were driving on HWY 1 we saw this beautiful sunset so we stopped and took some shots. Luckily the tide was low so I positioned myself under the pier to get the awesome shadows.

Tags:   50D water calm clear smooth pier CA HWY1 shadows ocean waves sunset 1022

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last month I connected with Diego for a sunrise at the coast. We headed out to Capitola in the hopes for some nice light. Upon arrival it appeared the conditions may be favorable. With minimal foreground interest coupled with great cloud movement, I went for the long exposure on this one. I really like the way the morning light was distributed throughout the scene.

I hope everyone here in the bay area is enjoying these clear blue skies. Thanks for your constant support and visits. Jave

Tags:   Capitola California CA Pacific Ocean water seascape pier sunrise light color clouds reflections morning costal coastline long exposure twilight sea storms wharf landscape shoreline highway one Santa Cruz Santacruz county historic sky seascpae sand smooth 5DMK2 17-40L LEE 3 stop soft NOHDR Induro Tripod

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I received a text on Saturday from Joshua about the conditions here in Davenport looking pretty promising. Lucky for me Joshua has been scouting out new locations and discovered this beautiful place, I have never seen before. Let me introduce you to Cripp's Beach. It's a small little spot located near Davenport, CA. I think Joshua purposefully took me on numerous twists and turns in his secret attempt to get me to forget how to ever come back here, ahhahah. I mapped it as best I could, but if you need help getting here just send me an email. I immediately fell in love with this place so many cool new comps, rock formations, stacks and other things. The one thing that stuck to me right of way was this AWESOME bridge of BEAUTIFUL rock. Of course with a little bit of luck, the clouds and color cooperated.

You know the rest of the story, complete silence as we run from spot to spot to try and catch the light. This was towards the end of the light as the sky turned pink I was able to squeeze a few comps here. A HUGE thanks to Joshua. I hope you all have a great week. As always thanks for your constant support and visits. Jave

Tags:   Pacific Ocean Davenport California coast clouds rocks sand sun waves motion nature natural sunset color costal sescape pink long exposure storm landscape rush bridge Wilder Ranch Park CS5

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The other day I was monitoring the San Francisco weather when I noticed some promising fog lingering around the San Francisco Bay Area. The fog later appeared, so I drove REALLY fast towards the Golden Gate Bridge. As I approached, I noticed the road leading to Battery Spencer was closed. A panic ensued and I had no choice but to shoot it from Fort Baker. As I was shooting from Ft. Baker the moon started to rise and I thought to myself, "Man, it would be awesome to shoot the bridge with the moon over the Bridge"!

The fog was really nice from down below so I spent about an hour shooting a few frames. As I was driving back home I noticed the road leading to Battery Spencer had reopened. I drove up and spent another hour enjoying this MAGNIFICENT scene. I tried so hard to frame the moon right over the north tower and have the south tower completely covered in fog. This image is a result of that effort. I really like how the moonlight provided the light in the sky and a created a great shadow of the bridge. During this photo shoot, I had the opportunity to finally meet an awesome Bay Area landscape shooter Huggen. Be sure to check out his rendition of this amazing scene. May the light be with you this weekend. Thanks for your constant support and visits. Jave

Tags:   Golden Gate Bridge moon moonlight moonrising San Francisco CA fog city under Pacific Ocean HWY 101 Luna traffic light trails cables lights shadows clouds towers Marin Headlinds cliff nature natural manmade historic landmark Bay Area county framing shadow urban 5DMK2 24-105L 1740L CS5 twilight snset ASINGLERAWFILE Induro Tripod
