This is an aerial overview of the former abandoned cement works "Perlmooser Zement AG, Werk Rodaun" or also known as "cement works Kaltenleutgeben". If some urbex guys worry about posting the location and a detailed overview, the site is history, it has been blown up. I only make a documentation here as good as possible. If I post photos to this album, I will try to refer to the numbers in this and the next image.
1 - crushing mill (Brecherei)
2 - raw material store (Rohmateriallager)
3 - dumper garage (Kippergarage)
4 - office building (Bürogebäude)
5 - cement silos-II (Zementsilo-II)
6 - cement silos-I (Zementsilo-I)
7 - central control room and transformer (Zentrale und Transformatoren)
8 - bridge and conveyor-1 (Brücke und Förderband-1)
9 - cement mill-V (Zementmühle-V)
10 - container
11 - clinker storage hall-II (Klinkerhalle-II)
12 - cement mills-IV, VI (Zementmühlen IV, VI)
13 - rotary furnace hall-III
14 - ex rotary furnace-IV
15 - heat exchange tower
16 - raw mills IV, V (Rohmühlen IV, V)
17 - raw meal silo III, IV (Rohmehlsilos III, IV)
18 - raw meal silo I, II (Rohmehlsilos I, II)
19 - bridge and conveyor-2 (Brücke und Förderband-2)
20 - silo (Silo)
21 - warehouse (Magazin)
22 - electricity switching and power house (E-Schalthaus und Kraftwerk)
23 - raw mill III and dedusting (Rohmühle III und Entstaubung)
24 - raw mill drying and dedusting (Rohmehltrocknerei und Entstaubung)
25 - Lurgi gasifier
26 - conveyor-3
27 - tyre store and deep water tank (Reifenlager, Wassertiefbehälter), ex boiler house
Tags: Kaltenleutgeben Rodaun Zementwerk cement works cement aerial map abandoned lost lost place urbex decayed industry
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