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User / Berny S2 / Sets / Red Sands Fort
Berny Sackl / 16 items

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First view of the Red Sand Forts (also called Maunsell Forts) - The armed towers were built in 1942 in the Thames and Mersey estuaries during the Second World War to help defend the United Kingdom. A more detailed description will follow.

Tags:   radio rusty sea England abandoned lost lost place exploration fort WWII Maunsell Red Sands Fort decayed

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There are seven towers in the Red Sands group, at the mouth of the Thames Estuary. These towers were previously connected by metal grate walk-ways. In 1959 consideration was given to refloating the Red Sands Fort and bringing the towers ashore, but the costs were prohibitive. In the early 21st century there were threats that the fort could be demolished so a group called Project Redsands was formed to try and preserve the fort. It is the only fort that could be accessed safely from a platform in between the legs of the tower to the right for a long time, but not anymore. Only Urbexers visit the towers sometimes, of course not just legally.

Four towers carried QF 3.75 inch guns arranged in a semicircle ahead of the control centre and accommodation, a tower to the rear of the control centre mounted Bofors 40 mm guns, while the seventh tower, set to one side of the gun towers and further out, was the searchlight tower.

Tags:   England sea rusty abandoned lost lost place exploration fort radio WWII Maunsell Red Sands Fort decayed

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Tags:   Red Sands Fort England sea rusty abandoned lost lost place exploration fort radio WWII Maunsell bridge decayed

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Red Sands Fort - England

Tags:   Red Sands Fort England sea abandoned lost lost place exploration fort radio WWII Maunsell monochrome BW birds decayed

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The last remaining bridge between two towers is only for crazy people (see link to testchamber.net) bridge crossing

Tags:   Red Sands Fort England sea rusty abandoned lost lost place exploration fort radio WWII Maunsell bridge decayed
