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User / Berny S2 / Sets / Meat Plant Puerto Bories
Berny Sackl / 28 items

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Puerto Bories, about 4 km from downtown Puerto Natales in Chile, was a small "company town" whose focus was a "frigorifico", a sheep meat and wool processing plant belonging to the Sociedad Explotadora de Tierra del Fuego. In addition to the plant complex, the private town included a radio station, swimming pool, small dairy, recreational facilities, a police outpost, and housing for high-level company employees such as managers, engineers, and accountants. After most commercial activity at the freezer complex ceased during the 1990s a part of the factory is still abandoned, another part has been converted into a luxury hotel.

Tags:   sheep meat plant factory wool abandoned industry industrial forgotten exploration Chile Patagonia Puerto Bories Puerto Natales pier Seno de Ultima Esperanza Last Hope Sound

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Former sheep meat plant in Puerto Bories - Patagonia, Chile:
Pioneers arrived from Europe in the late 19th century to the Last Hope Province, giving life to a thriving industry based on sheep farming. Such development resulted in the construction of the Bories Cold-Storage Plant in 1915. Meat was frozen and further exported as well as wool to the European markets.

The factory is located at the "Last Hope Sound" in Southern Patagonia, in Spanish "Seno de Última Esperanza".

Tags:   sheep meat plant factory wool abandoned industry industrial forgotten exploration Chile Patagonia Puerto Bories Puerto Natales Last Hope Seno de Ultima Esperanza pier rails

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Former sheep meat plant in Puerto Bories - Patagonia, Chile, partially abandoned

Tags:   sheep meat plant factory wool abandoned industry industrial forgotten exploration Chile Patagonia Puerto Bories Puerto Natales Seno de Ultima Esperanza Last Hope Sound

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The steam engine by "Haslam Foundry & Engineering Co. Ltd. Derby England" produced electricity for the whole factory, for light, the machines, for cooling of the 12 storage rooms 5 cooling cellars, where they were able to store 180000 carcasses and 850000 tons of final products. The basic element for cooling was ammonia. The begin of the 20th century was called the British industrial revolution in Patagonia. - Former sheep meat plant in Puerto Bories - Patagonia, Chile, partially abandoned

Tags:   sheep meat plant factory wool abandoned industry industrial forgotten exploration Chile Patagonia Puerto Bories Puerto Natales Seno de Ultima Esperanza Last Hope Sound british steam engine machine BW monochrome steam engine

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Former sheep meat plant in Puerto Bories - Patagonia, Chile, partially abandoned

Tags:   sheep meat plant factory wool abandoned industry industrial forgotten exploration Chile Patagonia Puerto Bories Puerto Natales Seno de Ultima Esperanza Last Hope Sound machine gauge
