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User / Wildonline.blog / Sets / CHAFFINCH
Peter Hanscomb / 100 items

N 2 B 341 C 0 E Sep 11, 2021 F Sep 11, 2021
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N 397 B 6.3K C 7 E Mar 24, 2022 F Mar 24, 2022
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N 40 B 1.3K C 0 E Mar 2, 2022 F Mar 2, 2022
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N 107 B 1.1K C 0 E Feb 16, 2024 F Feb 17, 2024
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N 453 B 6.5K C 22 E Mar 29, 2024 F Apr 2, 2024
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The Chaffinch is the UK’s most common finch and sometimes overlooked and not fully appreciated despite being one of our most colourful garden visitors. the striking double white wing bars and primary and secondary wing feathers. Its summer plumage is brighter that its winter plumage. The male Chaffinch has a pink breast and cheeks, blue-grey crown and nape, and chestnut brown back. In summer, its bill is grey-blue, turning to pale brown in the winter. The female has an olive-brown back, and grey-brown underparts becoming almost white towards the rump, which is greenish. The juveniles are similar to the female but lack the greenish rump. The bill is brown in both the female and juveniles.

Read more at www.Wildonline.blog

Tags:   bird birds British birds British wildlife canon #gardenbirds European #lovenature nature wild Wildlife Wildonline Wildonline.blog Chaffinch Chaffinches #backgardenbirds #backyardbirds birdies birdie birding birds wildlife #birdwatcher #birdwatching British bird Britishgardenbirds small birds wild-birds woodland birds Feathers flying songbirds
